Index – Abroad – One of the most famous wine regions in the world may become caught on fire


The vineyards of California’s famous Napa Valley, home to the famous and acclaimed California wines, are also on fire, MTI reported. In the northwestern part of California, wildfires intensified and spread faster and faster, reaching the famous vineyard as well. More than 34,000 people had to be evicted from their homes at dawn from a sizable area of ​​about 4,500 acres by Tuesday, and the fire department had notified an additional 14,000 people to be ready to go.

According to the news, some famous vineyards have already been completely caught in the flames. In the reports published in the United States, many speak of leaving this wonderful country for good. In 2017, Sonoma County, adjacent to the Napa Valley, which is also a famous vineyard and wine region, fell victim to wildfires.

In addition to firefighters, more than a thousand soldiers are helping stop the fire, even trying to extinguish the devastating flames from the helicopters. According to a California fire department, wildfires have broken out at 8,100 sites in the state since Aug. 15 in an area of ​​about one and a half million acres at a time, claiming 26 lives and burning thousands of buildings.

napa valley wildfire

Photo: Adrees Latif / Reuters

The US Weather Service continues to predict heat and drought, which favors fires, and their spread can be accelerated by projected gusts of 85 to 95 kilometers per hour for each region.

There are already eight deaths in the wildfires ravaging the United States.
