Index – Abroad – New York Times: According to an American epidemiological model, the number of deaths could increase


A US epidemiological model predicts a significant increase in the number of new coronavirus infections and deaths recorded each day in the coming weeks, the New York Times writes, citing a document for internal use.

According to CNN, the forecasts are based on models from the US Center for Epidemiology and Disease Prevention (CDC). The US, which the Federal Emergency Management Agency then put together in charts and graphs.

A forecast obtained by the New York Times would predict that the number of daily deaths could increase from less than 2,000 today to 3,000 by June 1. The document also reportedly warns that by the end of May, the number of newly registered infections could increase from the current 25,000 to 200,000 per day. It has not been revealed whether this apparently unpredictable number may have been estimated with significantly greater testability or on what basis such a conclusion was reached.

A White House spokesperson said this is not a White House document and has not yet been presented to the working group on the coronavirus epidemic. In their opinion, these data do not reflect the models produced by the working group or the data they analyzed.

However, according to a source, several members of the working group have already seen these estimates. A government official confirmed to CNN the authenticity of the document obtained by the New York Times.

The BBC writes that President Donald Trump told Fox News on Sunday that he could end up to 100,000 deaths from the coronavirus in the United States.

On Monday, CNN also wrote that an institute at the University of Washington also updated its previous forecast, which had 72,433 deaths as of Monday morning. In the future, by contrast, there are likely to be almost 135,000 deaths, although they do not yet have a final estimate. One of his researchers linked the change with the relaxation of distance rules and greater mobility.

According to Johns Hopkins University, there were 1,154,621 infections registered in the United States on Monday night. So far, 68,285 have died from the coronavirus and 180,303 have recovered. More than seven million tests have been performed so far.

The documents of EE. USA They add that the document quoted by the New York Times was leaked at a time when several states are already preparing for a cautious opening, although restrictions remain in place in addition to partial relaxation.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced at a daily news conference on Monday that the East Coast member states will reopen their economies according to a mutually agreed plan. He emphasized that this would be done based on the data indicated by the CDC. As he said, restarting life in New York State will require a steady decline in new infections for two weeks, an increase in virus testing, and the proper amount of hospital capacity.

In Miami Beach, Florida, parks and beaches were closed again on Monday because they were flooded with people who were not wearing masks. In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis has announced a gradual resumption of economic and daily life, but has not extended it to Miami and the surrounding areas because this is where most infections have been diagnosed and the epidemic has claimed the most deaths, writes MTI.

Finance Minister Steve Mnuchin told Fox television on Monday that it was “difficult to say” for now whether international travel could begin this year. He said that the relaunch of the US economy. USA It was a priority, but added that if American entrepreneurs also needed business trips abroad, they could probably only do so on a limited basis for a long time.

(Cover image: People on a closed street in New York on May 2, 2020. Photo: REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz)
