Index – Abroad – New York improves, worsens in the south, and some states slowly lift restrictions


There were fewer new coronavirus patients in New York state on Friday, but the number of infections has skyrocketed in the southern states and Washington, writes the MTI.

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo said at a daily news conference that while about 1,000 patients are still being transported to the hospital every day, quite a high number, but that already shows a decline in the epidemic.

The governor emphasized that the main task now is to find out who is newly infected and what is the cause of the large number of infections, since most people adhere to the restrictions. Cuomo will consult with hospitals and ask them for information on patients about their age, sex, place of residence, place of work and previous health status.

Most of the victims of the epidemic came from more than southern New York state, with 17.5 percent of cases diagnosed in the Manhattan neighborhood of New York City.

The governor also announced that schools in the state will remain closed this school year, with only distance learning.

On Friday, most diseases in southern Louisiana were reported: 710 new patients were hospitalized. There are more than 28,000 infected people in the state, and the epidemic has claimed more than 1,900 deaths so far. Although Governor John Bel Edwards extended the curfew until May 15, he lifted some measures starting Friday.

For example, restaurants can take home and open their terraces.

However, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell wrote on Twitter that the governor’s decision is not being considered in the city and that restaurants should continue to be closed.

There are also a thousand new in the state of South Georgia infected with a virus They are diagnosed. In Washington D.C., most people have died on COVID-19 so far on Thursday and Friday. More than 4,600 new infections were diagnosed Thursday.
