Index – Abroad – New highway, Black Sea natural gas – Péter Szijjártó discussed in Romania


Romania has a new government, we are connected by a thousand threads, said Péter Szijjártó in his Facebook live video. The Foreign Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade told his new Romanian colleagues that Hungary is interested in Romania’s success, as the two countries are so closely connected that we can have no other goal than mutual development and success.

Péter Szijjártó reported that Important agreements have been reached with the new Romanian leadership, according to which two important physical connections will be established between the two countries by 2024.

The third motorway will be built between Romania and Hungary, this time connecting Mátészalka and Szatmárnémeti, which means taking the M49 motorway to the border on the Hungarian side.

This will be the third motorway connection between the two countries, stressed Péter Szijjártó, who also spoke about the dualization of the Budapest – Békéscsaba – Lőkösháza railway line in 2024 and, therefore, the reduction of traffic time between Bucharest and Budapest through the modernization.

Péter Szijjártó also announced that the two countries have a common interest in producing gas in the Black Sea gas fields belonging to Romania as soon as possible, which would be another source of gas supply for Hungary. Therefore, it was also agreed that if this begins, the capacity of the system connecting the two countries will double: to 4.4 billion cubic meters. The foreign minister added, so that they could also open Western European markets to Romania.

He also reported that he asked his Romanian colleagues that there are ten roads on the border of the two countries that are currently not allowed. Hungary would be in charge of the construction and operation of the border control infrastructure, only asking for permission to use it.

Péter Szijjártó pointed out that currently the energy regulation of the European Union is trying to put nuclear energy in the background, which goes against the interests of both countries, and they will act together on the matter.

He added that they are working together to ensure that the Greek and Bulgarian gas pipeline system is physically connected as soon as possible, so that both countries have access to the southern gas pipeline, which carries gas from the Caucasus to our region. He also spoke about the fact that the two countries will take joint action against the European Union’s mobility package, which puts Central European companies at a great disadvantage.
