Index – Abroad – Montenegro wants to attract tourists as a corona virus free zone for July


In Serbia, the number of confirmed infections has reached 10,000, but in Montenegro, there have been no new cases for days, and in most countries of the Western Balkans, an average of 10-20 new infections are recorded per day writes MTI.

Serbia The number of registered infected people increased from 9943 to 10,032 from Saturday to Sunday. Epidemiologists say that new infections will continue to spread in mid-summer, but no new diseases are expected, but the virus is expected to reappear in late fall, so precautionary measures should not be overlooked in the future. near.

in kosovo The number of confirmed infections has increased from 862 to 870 in the past 24 hours. According to the central bank, around 45,000 people used the three-month moratorium on corporate and personal loans, so a total of EUR 1.3 billion (HUF 454.4 billion) is expected to be returned by the end of May.

North Macedonia In one day, the number of registered infected people increased from 1,586 to 1,622. According to local press, the government will decide on Sunday whether to open shopping malls and restaurants starting Monday, but citing unidentified sources, the press has been informed that further relaxation cannot be expected yet, with most restrictive measures in place.

Montenegro no new cases have been reported for four days, the number of infected is 324. The Adriatic country is scheduled to open this year’s tourist season on July 1 and wants to attract tourists as a “corona virus free zone” . According to officials, travelers from more distant countries are unlikely to arrive, but tourists from neighboring countries can still save the season, but it cannot be ruled out that some countries with low infection rates, such as Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia and Austria can start. flights directed to the Montenegrin coast.

Bosnia and Herzegovina The number of registered infections increased from 2070 to 2090 from Saturday to Sunday. According to the competent authorities, the tourism sector has suffered the most from the coronavirus epidemic so far. Travel agents are confident that the borders will soon open and tourists will be able to return to the country, but if this is not the case and the epidemiological situation in Europe does not change much, they hope that domestic tourism will prosper as foreign destinations do not travel. . , but the Bosnians can visit.
