Index – Abroad – Mask fit takes effect in Austria


The mask will also be mandatory in all shops and classrooms of the school building, and at the same time it will restrict private events in Austria to fifty people, sums up the Austrian government statement. For events where guests do not have a designated seating area, such as a private party, a maximum of fifty people can gather indoors and a maximum of one hundred people outdoors. The upper limit of seats at public events is 1,500 indoors instead of the current 5,3,000 outdoors instead of 10,000.

In Austria, the infection has spread again since the end of June, and on Thursday the number of new cases broke at the end of March. “The situation is getting worse again, the numbers have been increasing steadily in recent weeks” Chancellor Sebastian Kurz warned at a press conference about the new setting.

Wearing a mask has so far only been mandatory in public transport and in grocery stores and post offices. Starting Monday, the rule will be extended to all businesses and schools, and waiters must also wear the mask. Covering the mouth and nose is not yet mandatory in classrooms, gym classes, and the schoolyard.

However, in a school located in yellow zones, physical education classes should preferably be held outdoors or in the gym in small groups, avoiding forms of exercise that require physical contact. You can only sing outdoors or indoors, with a mask. As of Friday, seven Austrian regions received yellow or medium risk ratings: Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, Korneuburg, Wiener Neustadt, Kufstein and Schwaz.

Kurz emphasized that his goal is to avoid the new bribery. The Chancellor has proposed further toughening in case the number of cases continues to rise.
