Index – Abroad – Italy has run out of medical oxygen


There is also not enough medical oxygen for coronavirus patients in hospitals and officially quarantined, writes La Repubblica.

The demand for medical oxygen used to cure the coronavirus has risen four hundred percent in recent weeks. The newspaper asked Federfarma, an association representing almost 20,000 pharmacies, and found that Campania, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont and the island of Sicily had reported a serious shortage.

The whole world was traversed by images taken in the parking lot of the Cotugno Hospital in Naples of patients treated in their own cars that were lined up for oxygen cylinders. A Neapolitan lawyer, Enrica Troisi, who told La Repubblica, reported that she had called more than 100 pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies when she received an oxygen bottle for a relative of a patient. Data from Tuesday night showed that the number of active patients exceeded 733,000, but it was not reported how many of them required medical oxygen.

According to research by Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, four out of every hundred patients in Italy lose their lives. Since the end of February, more than 1.2 million people in the country of 60 million have fallen ill and more than 46,000 have died, with an average age of 82 years.

According to a survey, thirty-seven percent of Italians inject the vaccine themselves immediately, and only 16 percent said no to vaccination. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte spoke of a “serious” health and economic crisis at an Internet meeting of the Fipe organization, which brings together the hotel and commercial sector. He highlighted that psychological symptoms, such as depression, are being felt more and more among Italians.
