Index – Abroad – In the Czech Republic, cultural and sports life is completely stagnant


The coronavirus epidemic is worsening in the Czech Republic, so further adjustments will be made to public life, culture, sports and education from Monday, Health Minister Roman Prymula announced. Starting on Monday, among other things, the cultural and sports life of the entire Czech Republic will stop, theaters and cinemas will close, but also zoos, leisure centers and spas. Professional football and hockey championships and other national championships also pause. The only exceptions are pre-scheduled international matches, MTI wrote.

In the Czech Republic, restaurants must close by 8 pm on Fridays at the latest. Up to four people can sit at a table and only two in the mall’s restaurants. In the upper grades of elementary schools, that is, between grades 6 and 9, only half of the students in the class will always be present in education and the other half in distance education.

The precautions remain that it is still mandatory to wear a mask in public transport and in closed spaces, as well as in health institutions and offices. Up to ten can meet in closed rooms and up to twenty outdoors. The office customer service is open two days a week.

In the Czech Republic, more than 1,700 people are currently being treated in hospital for coronavirus infection. The number of severe cases that required a ventilator was more than 350 and more than 840 died Thursday afternoon.
