Index – Abroad – In half an hour everyone arrives at a buffet restaurant with the coronavirus



09/05/2020. 16:45

Using a simple but terribly illustrative experiment, Japanese public media showed viewers what trouble a single coronavirus patient can cause with a buffet meal. The experiment modeled places for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, partly on ocean liners and hotels, and noted that even a quick meal is enough for anyone to become infected.

The coronavirus was replaced by a dye that glowed in ultraviolet light, the fictitious host of the virus began to eat with a cough in the palm of his hand, and then each participant was given half an hour to live well with it.

The virus, that is, UV staining, has appeared on the hands of all eaters throughout this time, and many have also touched their faces with it.

Turning off the normal lamps and turning on the UV lamps also revealed that, unsurprisingly, the virus, the jugs, the food picking forceps, and the spoons that got into the hands of many transmitted the virus, i.e. replacing and cleaning them. It could be the solution to stop the spread.

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