Index – Abroad – Donald Trump appoints new candidate for judge


At 5 p.m. local time on Saturday, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, appointed Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Even if he were elected, there could be a sharp shift toward a more conservative judiciary than before. Amy Coney Barrett will take the place of the recently deceased liberal-minded Ruth Bader Ginsburg if she receives confirmation from the Senate.

Barrett, who was at a ceremony today in the White House rose garden. won officially marked – He is currently a member of the 7th District Court of Appeal. In the immediate aftermath of Ginsburg’s death, her name was among the most likely candidates, especially since the president had previously mentioned that he would nominate a woman. Just a few weeks before the elections, this will be a truly historic step.

Reliable conservator

Barrett has repeatedly stated that “life begins at conception,” according to a 2013 article in Notre Dame magazine. In his view, legislators should not be bound by strict precedents, that is, it would allow them to ignore even the famous 1973 abortion resolution (Roe vs. Wade).

His appointment was championed by influential Lutheran and anti-abortion leagues. Its leaders also consulted with the president earlier this week.

Barrett also has conservative views on gun ownership and health insurance issues. At 48, he would be the youngest player in the judiciary, and because he could serve for decades, he could make a definite mark on the American legal system.

Barrett has the full confidence of the Senate majority in decision-making, as confirmed by faction leader McConnell and respected Senator Mitt Romney.

As a student of the legendary Chief Justice Antonin Scalia, he can be considered a “judge of origin”, that is, he supports the understanding and interpretation of the constitution rather than the lasting effect of judicial decisions (jurisprudence). He also wrote more about this in the 2013 Texas Law Review, confirming his weight and authority on the conservative side.

In principled fights with the Democrats

During his 2017 appointment process, he became involved in an ideological fight to defend his religiosity when Senator Feinstein of California attacked that his faith could influence law enforcement. “The dogma lives on within you, and it is a cause for concern when you are faced with big issues that people have been struggling with for years in this country,” concern was expressed. Barrett’s answer was that

It is never appropriate for a judge to impose your personal convictions on the law, either by faith or for some reason of principle.

Barrett would be the fifth woman on the Supreme Court. There are currently two more women on the board. A Republican woman was last nominated in 2005.

The judge was born and raised in New Orleans. He has seven children from attorney Jesse Barrett. President Trump did not go into details, only saying that

I claim to be highly respected.
