Index – Abroad – Coronavirus: Hospitals are also filling up in Switzerland


The canton of Geneva, Switzerland, announced on Sunday that it would order an emergency because the intensive care units of hospitals in the region would soon fill with people affected by the coronavirus.

According to the canton management, as of Monday afternoon, all restaurants, bars and, with the exception of grocery stores, all stores will have to close, as will cinemas, theaters, gyms and service providers, including hairdressers. However, schools and kindergartens will remain open for the time being.

Due to the large number of coronavirus infections, hospital utilization in Switzerland is at the upper limit of capacity.

In the canton of Wallis, due to a lack of beds, several patients had to be removed from intensive care units, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung wrote on Sunday.

Restrictions will also be tightened in the cantons of Jura and Neuchâtel from Monday, where the number of participants in public and private events will be limited to five, and restaurants, cultural and sports facilities will be closed.
