Index – Abroad – Brits returning from abroad due to coronavirus epidemic


The UK government plans to introduce a color-coded system similar to traffic lights to determine which countries British people can visit without re-quarantine after returning after the re-authorization of overseas travel, which is currently banned due to the epidemic. of coronavirus.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is scheduled to outline the main points of the vision on Monday. However, details previously outlined by Downing Street on Sunday show that the government is preparing to establish categories of red, yellow and green, according to the rates of coronavirus infection and vaccination in each country.

If you are returning to the UK from red and yellow category countries, you must spend ten days in quarantined or solitary hotels at home.

Restrictions aimed at curbing the coronavirus epidemic have long prevented travel from England, except for a very small number of compelling reasons.

The announced travel ban is aimed at preventing tourists returning from abroad from bringing new variants of the coronavirus, jeopardizing the results of the UK vaccination campaign.

The “red list” still exists, and the British government placed in this category those countries where the various variants of the coronavirus, which experts say are cause for concern, are widespread.

Entry to foreigners without the right of residence from these countries is not allowed. the United Kingdomand Brits returning from this group of countries, and the United KingdomForeigners living in the city must also spend ten days in designated and monitored hotels on their own.

The new planned color-coded system would maintain this requirement for countries in the red category, according to the London Prime Minister’s Office. Returnees from code yellow countries can also spend ten days in home quarantine.

However, travelers returning from green category countries should not be quarantined upon arrival.

Authorization for travel abroad for tourism purposes is set out in a detailed opening calendar drawn up by the British government as of May 17 at the earliest.

However, a special task force of the British government will examine the possibility of reauthorizing travel well in advance of this possible date and will present its recommendations on April 12.
