Index – Abroad – Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia also want to avoid having to close borders


Although the Hungarian government has decided to restrict the entry of foreigners into the country as of Tuesday, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia want to avoid the closure of borders despite an increase in the number of people infected by the coronavirus.

Wolfgang Sobotka, Austrian, Boris Kollár, Slovak and Radek Vondrácek, president of the Czech legislature, met on Sunday at Grafenegg Castle in Lower Austria and discussed closing the borders as the last measure they intend to take. Kollár assured his Austrian interlocutor that Slovak nurses would be able to travel to Austria without restrictions in the future. Wolfgang Sobotka appreciated the cooperation between the three countries and highlighted the need for regular consultations to successfully combat the Covid-19 disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, writes MTI.

Regarding the actions of the Belarusian authorities, the Austrian president expressed his dismay and called for their solidarity with the Belarusian people and civil society.
