Increasingly, her parents fall in love with the Bethesda Hospital staff


Although at the beginning of the epidemic there was great enthusiasm, applause and recognition in the direction of health, today there is a growing parental tension, he told InfoRádió. Tamásné Bese Nóra, Chief of Communications for Bethesda Children’s Hospital. According to him, all this is completely understandable, after more and more measures and restrictions come into force in Bethesda’s life, which, moreover, does not seem to be over.

“At the same time, according to the hospital’s communications manager, parents often indulge in a tone that is not worthy of the work that is done on a daily basis in the children’s hospital and in most health care facilities.”

Increasingly, parents yell at healthcare workers, holding them accountable. It was necessary to call a police officer, the situation was very difficult.

In addition, the letters from the complainants also find a much larger proportion of the institution, and while there may be some legitimate ones, in his experience, it is more about the patience of the parents coming to an end, which is partly due to medical care.

Even if there is twice the work to be done, as more and more people leave work due to the virus, more and more families are affected by the epidemic, they have to “fight” with family members or call a police officer if threatened by 12 hour shifts. they carry. The latter is not regular, but there is much more than before, he said in a radio report.

Featured image: Photo: Karancsi Rudolf /
