In today’s strange military parade in North Korea, an unprecedented horrible weapon was presented.


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In a Reuters summary, he spoke with the deputy director of the Open Nuclear Network, who said about a new ICBM, never seen before:

this rocket is a monster.

By this he meant being towed on an 11 axle transport vehicle, it was so big and Melissa Hanham said This weapon will be one of the world’s largest mobile road intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) if launched. Additionally, the previously seen Hvasong-15 missile, the longest-range ICBM capable of reaching the United States, which had already been tested by the North Koreans and now appeared to be launched from a submarine as well, was redeployed.

Not only was the above particularly noteworthy at today’s event, but also that

After two years, an ICBM was unveiled at a military parade, which could be a very strong signal to Americans, for example.

This was the last time they were shown before US President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un spoke for the first time. This, and Kim’s own speech, suggested that the North Koreans had successfully completed a crucial part of their deterrent missile development program, which set aside all economic interests and forced the people to suffer severe hardship. Kim was very sweaty several times during her speech, according to the report, despite the fresh morning air, excited, crying, thanking the marching troops for delivering many things for success and looking at the rockets with a smile.

According to the news agency expressed the frustration of one of the anonymous US diplomats watching the parade, since North Korea sent a strong message with the missiles deployed. We just wrote in our broader analysis on Saturday that the regime could already have at least dozens of nuclear weapons and thus be able to sit down and negotiate a new American launch. In light of this, it is even more understandable why American leaders were disappointed that they did not appear to have succeeded in stopping the regime, which ultimately claimed to have developed only deterrent nuclear weapons, ICBMs, and therefore, they will start from a completely different bargaining position after the US presidential election than without these weapons.

Cover Image Source: Dong-A Ilbo via Getty Images / Getty Images. The photo was taken at a meeting between the two leaders on June 30, 2019.
