In this year’s Star, Star Curtis will talk about antics


The seventh season started on Sunday with Star in the star on TV2. The format is the usual one, with some changes in the composition of the jury and score. The problem may just be that while we watched the first show, we sadly put it off – the last six series were exactly the same. Review.

We know that it is not worth changing the winning team, but there is a point (peak) beyond which it is still worth thinking. This moment is Star in the starApparently it just arrived. The setting is almost ancient. Twelve celebrities / well-known people hide in the shoes of different singers and performers and perform several of them each.

Success depends on many things here. Every season, there are some really talented artists who happen to not only have a good voice, but also be able to imitate brilliantly. Then there’s the jury, some of whom are experienced and some of whom are in good spirits, and that’s the non plus ultra of the show if those two are in them at the same time. This year Zoltán Bereczki returned to the jury, Papp Szabi he stayed, he arrived next to them Attila Kökény and Babett colony, WHO Claudia liptai I would try to replace it.

Of course, we cannot miss the list of contestants who, if not so much singing, know how to clown and run a show at a professional level. This is the role of this season Curtisnek came. The rapper ran out of control on the first broadcast by saying Eva Csepregihad to sing like. Which was more difficult for Curtis, the female role in the thigh boots or the edge, it is up to everyone to decide, but it is true that the overall effect burned on the retinas of many for a time. Attila Kökény however max. He gave points to the production as he, as a contestant on one of the previous seasons, also experienced how difficult it is to imitate an actress.

The composition of the contestants is mixed anyway, you can’t find more than one or two big names in the dive. Anna Pálmai it may seem like an interesting choice at first. The Katona József Theater actress is used to the stage, it is not surprising that she received a maximum of forty points for her performance. However, if you have a good voice it will only be revealed in later broadcasts, such as the well-known AK26 As Hiro mostly just rap, but not bad at all. The rules of the show have changed compared to the previous ones in that each member of the jury can award a point to someone after everyone has participated. There are two of them here Miss humor he was handed over to an interpreter on the first television show of his life, who was thus moved from last place.

In the seventh season of a show, even if it’s basically a good show, it’s a bit boring to watch the silliness of Szabi Papp or the stupidity and perennials of Bereczki, with Attila Kökény and Babet Köllő, who quickly caught up with the others. The fancy wife he met on the Viasat3 show apparently really enjoyed the first show, she will probably not be the strict examiner, this role is left to Bereczkin, who does not give the dolls all ten points, but not even eights.

Joy or not so pretty much everything stays the same, we’re sure to laugh a few more times, especially if Curtis stays in for a long time and TV2’s audience will benefit from a proven recipe for success too. It’s a shame that even without the commercials, the nearly two-hour program (including three) could not be shortened, and this will probably not change even after the elimination of more and more contestants, since then one performer will be doing several songs. But no problem, at least not until Actset gives the channel.

Featured Image: Tv2
