In the French, too, the epidemic is declining and there are fewer and fewer serious patients.


The number of hospital admissions fell from 396 to 25,887 in the past 24 hours, and 144 less severe patients were treated in the intensive care unit than Thursday. The number of people needing a fan has decreased during the fourth week, there are currently 3,878. The peak was April 9 with 7,200 critically ill patients.

At the press conference, Jérome Salomon, Director of Epidemiology, presented the map that plans county-by-county plan to lift access restrictions on May 11, which the health authorities will update daily next week according to the spread of the virus and the load on hospital beds.

A third of the French departments, the Paris region and the northeast of the country belong to the most infected red zone.

These two areas were the two main sources of infection in France, and the virus continues to spread further here.

The other counties have moved to the transitional green or orange zone, with mitigation in these areas being more extensive than in the red zone, including the opening of playgrounds, parks, and schools.

In France, 130,185 people have been registered since March 1, more than 90,000 of whom have been hospitalized, but health authorities have reminded them that tens of thousands survived the Covid-19 infection and recovered in their homes without being registered.
