In the fall, you can start using a household medicine that is an effective remedy for coronary artery disease.


The Ministry of Information and Technology, the first phase of development of favipiravir in Hungary, has proven to be an effective drug in the field of coronavirus. According to the information, once the generic active ingredient has been supplied under laboratory conditions, the medicine can be licensed and manufactured in Hungary. It is carried out in a wide range of research contexts, university, national medical industry.

Favipiravir was originally developed for mild influenza and can be used as a generic medicine. It has also been used successfully in patients infected with coronary viruses, and its efficacy has not been demonstrated in traditional clinical trials and is therefore not registered in Europe or America.

The development taking place in Hungary is of great importance, as the rapid implementation of production capacityNot only can it help the internal fight against the law, but it can also win an exportable product.

According to Schanda Tams, science and innovation can provide answers to the challenges posed by the coronary invasion. “We are currently supporting dozens of projects related to the rapid and efficient development of medical drugs, media, devices and equipment. In every possible way, we protect the health and health of the Hungarian people, develop the necessary transport capacity and, if possible, contribute to the relief of the global emergency.

Favipiravir may also be effective against coronary heart diseaseForrs: Sputnik via AFP / Alexey Maishev

The successful research and development activity will also help us to start the deposit in Hungary gradually and according to a strict timetable, said the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Parliamentary and Strategic Secretary of State.

“The Hungarian state funds the national production of the active ingredient favipiravir, clinical trials and the launch of pharmaceutical products from the National Fund for Research, Development and Innovation with more than 370 million HUF,” he added.

“We run a race not only with the virus but also over time.

In this case, the fastest medication is the one we have achieved based on the already known results, as development and clinical testing of a completely new active ingredient would take much longer.

– Academician Giklgy Mikls Keser, head of the Pharmaceutical Research Group at the Natural Sciences Research Center, informed the Tvirat office about the project.

The power of the group is that everyone does what they do best: the consortium is led by a consortium. will drink. Members of the HECRIN national consortium registered for the organization and conduct of clinical trials in clinical trials, the University of Medicine with several clinical centers, the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases of the Central Medical Center of Dl-Pest and the National Age of Lung.

The introduction of the drug requires further chromium fusion after now completed laboratory development, which can be completed for the time being.

If production capacity is developed soon, it will not only be a quick help in national defense, but it can also provide Hungary with one of the most successful export products.
