In the Czech Republic, instead of curbing the epidemic, a record number of new infections were found


In the Czech Republic, 15,729 new confirmed coronavirus infections were detected by laboratory testing on Wednesday, the highest daily number of cases to date. The number of positive tests has surpassed 15,000 for the third time since the start of the epidemic in early March, according to data published on the website of the Health Ministry on Thursday morning.

The daily number of hospital admissions and deaths is also record. About 8,300 people were treated for coronavirus in Czech hospitals on Wednesday, 1,244 of whom were in serious condition. The death toll from complications from the coronavirus rose by 44 to 4,133 on Wednesday night.

However, daily deaths are subsequently adjusted regularly so that the numbers are always higher. The revised data found that 223 people died from the coronavirus on Tuesday, the highest number in history.

Jan Blatny According to the Minister of Health, the number of people treated at the hospital will continue to increase in the coming days and the situation can only be expected to improve in about ten days, two weeks.

When the number of new confirmed infections fell moderately late last week, several said that the spread of the epidemic in the Czech Republic appeared to be slowing down. However, the Health Minister still warned that he should wait a whole week to see the developments because, based on experience to date, the epidemic data from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in particular says more about the situation of the pandemic.

The Czech Republic is currently in a state of emergency until November 20, with restrictions on retail trade, a range of services and free movement. The use of a mask is mandatory everywhere. Restaurants have closed, schools have switched to distance education, cultural and sporting events are on hiatus. According to a government decree, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m., Czechs can only leave their homes with certain specific exceptions, such as trips to work or health problems.

The population is particularly vulnerable to the closure of primary schools and the distance learning introduced a few weeks ago, which is seen as highly problematic in the lower grades. According to Prime Minister Andrej Babis, the government will address the issue on Friday.

Featured image: Eduard Erben / Sputnik / AFP
