In Slovenia, primary schools are already closed


In Slovenia, primary schools will also switch to digital education from Monday, the government said at a press conference on Thursday. The cabinet also extended epidemiological measures to curb the coronavirus for a week.

Educational institutions have already switched to distance education since October 19, with the exception of the lower grades of primary schools. Simona kustec The Education Minister said the government has decided to start education for all online from Monday until a week after the extended fall break. With some exceptions, the kindergartens remain closed. Supervision is only organized for children whose parents work in the police, medical care or other vital services.

Ales Hojs The interior minister said that the ban on groups of more than six people would continue from Saturday for a week and that stores that sell non-essential products, restaurants and hotels, and beauty and hairdressing salons would not yet be open. The exceptions are pedicurists, baby stores, hardware stores, furniture and auto shows, photographers, and watchmakers. However, only one person can be in thirty square meters.

The night curfew and daytime curfew will remain, and a face mask will remain mandatory everywhere, the ministry head explained. The government reviews the measures weekly and decides, in the light of epidemiological data, whether to relax or extend the restrictions.

According to data released by the cabinet on Thursday, the number of infected people rose by 1,685 to 16,094 the day before. Thirty patients died, bringing the death toll to 471. Of the diagnosed patients, 1,023 are hospitalized, 161 of whom are treated in the intensive care unit.

highlighted image: MTI / AP
