In several places, polycentric snow fell at night in Hungary


On January 6, residents of several Hungarian settlements realized that it was snowing at night. There was a settlement where 6 centimeters of snow fell.

The National Meteorological Service published the amount of snow that fell in Hungary on January 6 at 7 a.m.

Their history reveals that there were several settlements where an inch of snow waited for people in the morning.

The record was measured at the Sopron Brennbergbánya measuring station, where it fell 6 centimeters.

The page also writes that while it can be expected to melt during the day, it can continue to snow in the afternoon and evening.

What time do you expect?

According to Köpö, there may be precipitation in several places this morning, mainly in the northwest starting in the afternoon: it may rain mostly, but in the higher landscapes it can also snow and snow. The temperature is between 3 and 9 degrees. Reversible winds remain moderate.

On Thursday, the clouds will gradually subside and the sun may rise for several hours. Showers, snow showers disperse. We can measure values ​​around 0 and +5 degrees in the morning.
