In Romania, there will be locked classes and sliding breaks in schools


In Romania, they are trying to reduce the spread of the coronavirus infection in the new school year, which begins on September 14, by blocking the curriculum by subject and sliding breaks between classes, writes the MTI.

Guidelines on this were published on Tuesday on the website of the Bucharest Ministry of Education, which tries to use organizational methods to ensure that students participating in classes have as little contact as possible with their peers or teachers.

Middle and high school students will be offered 55 minute lessons and teachers will have five minutes to go to another class. Each class will be allowed to take a 10-15 minute break, not in this five-minute time, but during the 55-minute lesson, at pre-set but different times, so there is no congestion in the restrooms and students in the different classes don’t get together as much as possible. together. The schedule for lower grade students (grades 1-4) is left to the teachers.

Based on the ministry’s recommendation, schools can reduce the number of teachers who meet with each class by blocking the schedule: if teachers have two hours in a row, students will not meet with more than five or six teachers that day, according to the guide. .Scheduling remains the responsibility of schools everywhere. In Romania, depending on the situation of the epidemic, it is decided at the local level in each municipality whether to open schools or transfer education to the Internet for all or only some classes. The county epidemiological authorities will decide which of the scenarios marked in green, yellow and red should be applied in the given settlement based on the data from September 7, he said at a press conference organized by the educational repository on Tuesday. Nelu Tataru eHealth Minister.

As a result of public outrage, authorities left the task of asking parents for a statement on their own responsibility stating that they had not discovered any symptoms of coronavirus infection in their child sent to school. Instead, they will use fever tests to try to filter out possible infections that do not enter the school community, the minister said.

If an infection appears in one class, education is suspended there for 14 days, and if a coronavirus infection also appears in three different classes, the entire school is closed and education continues online.

In schools, a distance of at least one meter should be provided during planting, and teachers and students will need to wear a protective mask. However, preschoolers do not have to wear a mask.

According to Education Minister Monica Anisie, the ministry will launch a free hotline for parents and students to answer any questions that may arise. According to the minister, it is the fault of the Public Procurement Authority (ONAC) not having the 250,000 tablets promised by the government to needy students in May for the start of the school year. Due to the delay, the Minister requested the replacement of the President of ONAC Ludovic orban of the head of government.

Featured image: Andrei PUNGOVSCHI / AFP
