In one Michigan county, Trump’s votes were credited to Biden


The votes were recalculated in one of the Michigan counties. Due to a flaw in the computer software, the victory of Joe Biden was shown, the recount brought the victory of Donald Trump, who thus obtained more than two thousand more votes.

Ronna Romney McDaniel, chair of the Republican Party National Committee (RNC, the party’s governing body), announced at a joint press conference with Laura Cox, the party chair in Michigan, on Friday night. six thousand were written for Joe Biden.

Cox said the error was noted, the votes were recalculated manually, but Republicans suspect such an error may have occurred in other counties in the state. The same software was also used in 47 of the 83 Michigan counties.

In Michigan, Joe Biden won by 147,897 votes, but a difference of several thousand that affects one county, if it affects all counties, could make a very significant difference in the state total.
