in many places there are not enough doctors, in other places there will not be free hospital beds in a few days


In several European countries, the performance of the healthcare system during the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic has been close to exhaustion. Conditions in Western European hospitals are dire: in many places there are not enough specialists, beds are full in a matter of days, but there are places where the police are forced to help the ambulance service. At the same time, people became increasingly irritated and violent demonstrations became frequent across the continent.

Health in Europe in a difficult situation


The country’s health system is on the brink of collapse: Philippe Devos, president of the Belgian Medical Chamber, says that hospital beds could be exhausted in a week. He stressed that if the number of infections continues to increase, it will be in ten days

doctors must decide which of the two patients to give the bed to.

Devos hopes that if this happens, Germany will help. There are already signs of German help: patients in particularly poor condition have already begun to be transferred to neighboring German hospitals. We write about the situation in Belgium in detail in our morning article, you can read it here.


There are equally serious problems in Bulgaria, where police vehicles help ambulance services work because there are not enough nurses and doctors.

United Kingdom

The British Health Inspectorate is also examining two vaccines using an expedited procedure. The organization has launched an accelerated trial of a vaccine developed by AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical company said. Supervision is also testing the Pfizer vaccine in the United States under an expedited procedure. Kate Bingham, chair of the British Vaccine Task Force, believes that

First-generation British Covid-19 vaccines are unlikely to be perfect and may not be suitable for everyone.

A British soldier is preparing for a massive coronavirus test at the Liverpool Tennis Center on 6 November 2020. On this day, the first phase of a massive coronavirus screening program in North West England, announced by the British government , will be launched on a pilot basis.Source: MTI / EPA / Peter Powell


The health system may reach the limit of its capacity, said Michal Dworczyk, the prime minister’s chief of staff, in a radio interview. At the same time, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called on state companies to help build temporary hospitals. According to him, the goal is to be able to provide more than 3,000 new beds for those infected by the epidemic.

As is well known, the situation in Poland is so bad that a temporary epidemic hospital had to be opened in the National Stadium in Warsaw. The facility’s conference rooms currently have 300 seats.


Within 2-3 weeks, there will be more patients in intensive care units than at the April summit, said the director of the German Hospital Association. The specialist sees that whoever enters the hospital in three weeks is already infected today.

We will be forced to deploy medical personnel from non-intensive care units to intensive care units as well.

said other bad news.

In Germany, almost one in ten healthcare institutions has reached its capacity limit or will reach it in a few days. By the way, according to the chairman of the vaccine committee of the Robert Koch Institute, it will only be possible to vaccinate everyone in the country by 2022. Thomas Mertens says that although they will have the vaccine in their possession, the vaccination of the entire population will not take place until late 2021. After several months of testing, the Tübingen biotech company Curevac announced that its vaccine was compatible with the human body. Meanwhile, a second study with the vaccine has begun, involving 690 healthy people. It was noted that even at the end of the year a worldwide experiment with thirty thousand participants will be launched.

Antivirus and antiquarantine demos

Recently there have been riots in several countries.

United Kingdom

Hundreds of protesters against the closure were arrested in London on Thursday night. As you know, cfrying again for four weeks almost complete short circuit came into force In England, people living in the country can only leave their homes for a specific reason.

Police detain a man in a procession called The One Million Mask March, which was held in London on November 5, 2020 against austerity, rights violations, war crimes and corrupt politicians. On that day, four-week curfew restrictions went into effect in England.Source: MTI / AP / Frank Augstein


In France, high school students protested, not because of the austerity, but because of its softness. During the high school move, schools were closed and containers were set on fire because they felt the government was not protecting them enough against the virus. As Origo reported, riot police fought high school students with rubber sticks and tear gas in Paris.


Thousands of people participated in a protest against epidemiological measures last Saturday In dresden. A small group Darmstadtban At least 300 people participated in the demonstration, according to a police statement. Many of them are simply antivirus.

Several provinces have protested against the closure of theaters, operas, concert halls and cinemas. The directors of art museums also spoke out against the austerity measures. The organizers of the anti-austerity movements in Munich, quite absurdly, would like to recognize the events as a service. As is well known, no maximum number has been set in this regard.

In leipzig also demonstrated against epidemiological measures.

They will protest in Leipzig on November 7, 2020 against further ordered tightening due to the coronavirus epidemic. In Germany, by agreement between the federal government and the provincial governments, a maximum of two household members and a maximum of ten people can stay together until 30 November. Tourism and hospitality, as well as the activities of other institutions and companies specialized in joint leisure activities, will almost completely stop.Source: MTI / EPA / Filip Singer


Continuing the wave of protests that started in late October – early November, they also demonstrated in Florence and Bologna these days.

In the old city, at least two hundred protested the restrictions last week. During the demonstration, the police arrested 20 people for throwing Molotov cocktails, bottles, rocks at the police, overturning garbage cans and ruining surveillance cameras. Some hundreds also protested in Bologna.

As is well known, a serious political crisis occurred in Italy after the successive left-wing Conte government introduced one after another austerity measures. Serious riots have erupted in several major cities in recent weeks, and protesters have clashed with the police.


Anti-virus protesters clashed with police in Barcelona on Friday. About fifty protesters attacked members of the city police with bricks and firecrackers. Not long ago, seven hundred people demonstrated peacefully.

Sixty people were arrested late last week for dating and escalating protests against austerity. There were also demonstrations in Bilbao, Vitoria, San Sebastián, Santander, Logroño, Malaga, Barcelona and Madrid.

A barricade set on fire by protesters on the night of October 30, 2020 in Barcelona is due to the reintroduction of restrictive measures due to the spread of the coronavirus. In Catalonia, an abandonment ban has been imposed for the weekend and a night curfew is in force. Restaurants, cinemas, theaters and gyms closed again after the spring quarantineForrás: MTI / EPA-EFE / Quique García
