In Germany, the number of new infections may increase again


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The number of people infected with the coronavirus has started to rise again in Germany, days after some restrictions have been lifted in the country, the BBC writes.

According to recent data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the rate of reproduction of the virus in Germany has again increased above 1. This number shows how many more people an infected person passes to the disease.

In Munich, some 3,000 people protested on Saturday demanding the lifting of the restrictions.Photo: Felix Hörhager / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP

Meanwhile, thousands protested in various cities across the country on Saturday to completely lift the restrictions. Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Wednesday that restrictions would be gradually reduced across the country: stores could reopen, some schools could reopen, and sporting events could return next weekend (although the first hurdles could already be seen).

Germany has the seventh highest number of registered infections in the world, but a large number of tests have been carried out in the country, so presumably many more asymptomatic infections have been found than in other countries.

RKI’s Saturday report said the reproduction rate could now be 1.1 in the country, and although the Institute of Public Health says there are many uncertainties, careful attention will be needed in the coming days.

Defense against the epidemic in Germany was praised by many experts, but there were plans to reopen the country that found it too quickly.

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