In Georgia, you can decide how difficult the presidency of Joe Biden will be


The most expensive senatorial election of all time is being held in Georgia, where only on January 5 will be decided which party candidates will be able to represent the state in the United States Senate. Along with the unsuccessful November election campaign, the two parties together have already spent more than $ 931 million in the two senatorial races. Although Georgia’s annual GDP is nearly $ 540 billion, that amount is already remarkable.

Joe Biden “Vote!” he campaigned in a mask labeled Center Parc Stadium in Atlanta the afternoon before the Georgia by-elections.Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP

The amount of money spent on the campaign is a good indicator of the importance of these two Senate elections. The elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate held in parallel with the presidential elections in November produced mixed results for the Democrats.

While Joe Biden ultimately scored a landslide victory, even though Donald Trump was only trying to persuade the local Republican state administration in Georgia to “find” enough votes to reverse the result, Democrats lost House seats and failed in the Senate on the first Tuesday in November. to get the most. Based on the position at the time, Republicans had 50 senators and Democrats had 48 senators in the Senate, meaning Georgia could decide whether Joe Biden could enjoy the support of both houses of the legislature for two years of his presidency or see obliged to co-lease.If the Republican candidate wins a single Georgian election, Biden could be forced to make constant compromises in the first two years of his presidency to make some of his legislative agenda a reality. If the Democrats were to succeed in bravery and, after the presidential election, could turn the Senate election into a fairly stable Republican state in recent decades, they would be in the minimal majority in the Senate.

In the event of a tie, the vote of the Vice President of the Senate, in this case Democrat Kamala Harris, is decisive. Nor is it an ideal situation: the Democratic Party is quite divided, with serious struggles in the background between moderate and progressive politicians. That is, Biden may be forced to compromise in the same way, but at least within his own party and not with the opposition. But getting all 50 Democratic senators to vote together, respectively, requires some serious political maneuvering.

Jon Ossoff (b) and Raphael Warnock (j), the two Democratic senatorial candidates, at the party’s last major campaign event in Atlanta on Election Eve.Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP

I’ve explored the latter option in more detail because, based on the current state of opinion polls, the two Democratic hopefuls have a better chance of winning than the two Republicans in power. Sure, pollsters didn’t fare very well in this year’s election, either, but at this point, their predictions for the Georgia presidential election were surprisingly accurate. In summary 538, Democrat Jon Ossoff leads reigning Republican Senator David Perdue by an average of 1.8 percentage points in the polls. In the other race, Democratic Pastor Raphael Warnock leads by an average of 2.1 percentage points against Republican Kelly Loeffler. That is, the classification of both races is within the margin of error, in a statistical sense. But the trends are in favor of the Democrats, and both Democratic candidates can increase their lead in the wake of the campaign.

Of course, even the most recent polls couldn’t measure the campaign’s hair impact, even though some pretty shocking things have now happened. The day before the election, a recording of a telephone conversation in which President Donald Trump convinced Georgia’s top election official, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, that “I can’t lose Georgia,” Raffensperger found. “11780 Upvotes (He lost both to Joe Biden.) Raffensperger didn’t give in to the pressure, telling the president that Trump was working with bad data.

Donald Trump at his general assembly in Dalton, Georgia.Photo: Peter Zay / Anadolu Agency via AFP

Despite much outrage, Trump continued to dismiss his unsubstantiated, detailed, and false allegations of voter fraud at a campaign rally in northern Georgia on Monday night, also causing serious alarm in the Republican leadership in Georgia. Party leaders fear that by shaking faith in the electoral system, Trump may only dissuade Republican voters from participating, making it easier for Democrats to win.

