In five of the five places, the mayor became independent


There were places where there was Fidesz versus Fidesz, but it fell short.

On Sunday, five mayors were elected mayors. According to a report from the state news agency, the independents were in storage. In Gyaloka, Győr-Moson-Sopron county Tamás Varga started alone. Of the 66 voters, 35 voted, 6 votes were invalid. The independent candidate received 29 votes. The interim mayor election was called because the one elected in October was independent Attila kincse resigned his position.

The independent Tisza Sándor Rajmund won by Vajan. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County City Clerk, Tisza erika said the former mayor, who died in May, Sándor Tisza son (independent) received 1,033 votes. Of the other four, also independent titular candidates Tibor Tisza 436, Gyula balogh 180, Mrs. András Tisza 119 and Zita Tóth received 36 votes. The candidates received 1,804 valid votes, with a 63 percent turnout.

Zoltán Lógár (Independent) the former deputy mayor became the leader of Dobri in Zala County. 91 out of 136 voters voted, one person disabled. Of the three independent candidates, Zoltán Lógár 57, Éva Biharvári 32, József Ecsedi won a vote.
An interim election had to be held in Dobrich because the mayor, who had been in office since 2006, resigned effective late last year for personal reasons. The by-elections were originally scheduled for March 22, but no candidate could be registered until the February 17 deadline, and a new date could only be set after the emergency ended.

Made Fidesz beat Fidesz

Also starting as an independent Árpád Dudás won in Zsadány, county of Békés. He is 411, Ms. Andrea Galambos (independent) 265, Botlik Tibor (Fidesz-KDNP) 112, Lajos Ilyés (independent) received 71 votes. Of the 1,262 voters, 865 voted, six were invalid. Dudás led the people from 1994 to 2019. Last year, Fidesz-KDNP was ten votes behind the independent Marton Sándor Roland who resigned in February of this year. The interim municipal election would have been on April 26, but the vote had to be postponed due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Imre Szirbik (independent) won in Kiszombor, Csongrád-Csanád county. Ilona Tenczerné Bajusz, head of the local electoral office, said 898 people had voted for Imre Szirbik, who ran the city as deputy mayor. Ferenc Csanádi 577-in, Antalt Tóth 25 were supported.
He has been running the town for eighteen years. Ms. Ernő Szegvári Due to his (independent) resignation at the beginning of the year, a mayoral election had to be held.

Featured Image: Norbert
