In Belgium, 1 person per family can now buy up to 30 minutes


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Belgium has not reinforced its borders domestically to curb the coronavirus epidemic, the country is not closing its borders, but traveling abroad is not recommended, but stores offering non-essential products should close as of Sunday, it announced on Friday the Belgian Prime Minister, Alexander De Croo. In the netherlands

The Belgian prime minister said the new rules would take effect from Sunday, December 13.

The stricter rules allow grocery stores and pharmacies to remain open. One person per family can go shopping, one shopper can stay in the store for up to thirty minutes. In the case of other stores, it will be possible to deliver and receive the products after purchasing them online.

It should be closed to all service providers whose work requires direct physical contact, such as hairdressers and estheticians. Distance education is only allowed for lower and upper secondary students until November 15, and in the case of higher education, distance education will continue until mid-December.

He stated that the country does not close its borders, but traveling abroad is not recommended.

Private encounters are not allowed, even between family members who do not live within a home. A family can have a personal relationship with another person.

The number of participants in the funeral can be 15 and a maximum of four can stay in groups in public places. Teleworking becomes mandatory where it can be solved.

Friday’s announcement confirmed the long-standing ban on Wednesday’s curfew between midnight and 5 p.m. The measure does not change the stricter curfew recently introduced in the Belgian capital and in the French-speaking province of Wallonia, which runs from the 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. In Belgium, bars and restaurants, cinemas, theaters and concert halls and gyms, including saunas and swimming pools, have been closed since the beginning of October.

On Friday, the Belgian Institute of Public Health reported an average of 15,316 new coronavirus infections per day during the week, 38 percent more than the previous week. Since the outbreak in Belgium, 392,258 people have been infected in the country.

There are currently at least 1,609 people infected per 100,000 residents, a rate that has increased by 186 percent in the course of a week. One in four virus tests is positive. There are currently 6,187 people hospitalized for coronavirus, of which 1,057 need intensive care. In 11.5 million countries, 11,308 people died from complications of the disease caused by the virus, an average of 79 per day during the week, about 44 percent more than a week ago. There are more than 8 deaths per 100,000 residents, they said.

According to a report from the Netherlands Institute of Public Health on Friday, the number of newly identified infections has exceeded 11,000 in the last 24 hours. Currently 660 patients are treated in the hospital, 142 of whom receive intensive care. Since the outbreak, 7,350 people have died of complications from the virus in the Netherlands. The number of confirmed cases exceeds 330 thousand. In relation to Covid disease, an average of 54 deaths per day were reported during the week, compared to an average of 37 cases per day in the previous week.

The Dutch government has planned to introduce stricter measures, and an announcement is expected early next week.

Luxembourg’s parliament decided on Thursday to ban curfews from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday and introduce a number of additional restrictions, including a reduction in the number of private gatherings and stricter rules on wearing a mask to cover one’s face. nose and the mouth. (MTI, Politico)

In the 2018 parliamentary elections, the opposition coalition fell short and Fidesz again won a two-thirds majority. It’s about the secret negotiations that lead here and the infighting that takes place behind the scenes. MACRO last edition. Péter Magyari, one of the 444 best-known investigative journalists, has been conducting background interviews with the most influential actors in Hungarian political life for months and is seeking the answer to the basic question of Hungarian democracy: “Can the government be replaced in the elections?”

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