In a statement, the Hungarian opposition informs Europeans and their leaders that Orbán is not equal to Hungary


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In a joint statement addressed to EU leaders and citizens, the Hungarian opposition distanced itself from the Orbán regime, which was vetoing the EU budget. As is well known, Prime Minister Orbán is so reluctant to accept the payment of EU grants as compliance with the rule of law, rather than veto the budget. This in itself does not paralyze the functioning of the Union, but makes it impossible for the EU to launch an economic support package due to the epidemic, from which Hungary would also benefit.

“We, the forces of the Hungarian democratic opposition, given the seriousness of the situation caused by the destructive policy of the Hungarian government, we consider it necessary to declare to all nations, citizens and leaders of the European Union that Viktor Orbán and his government are not equal. to Hungary “.

– begins the text.

According to the opposition signatories

“We Hungarians did not put an end to the one-party system and we did not unite, worthy of the legacy of King Saint Stephen and the great people of our nation, to the community of values ​​of the European states to capture Europe and Hungary through a corrupt regime and undemocratic. Hungarian and European citizens of their rights and benefits “.

In addition to expressing its isolation, the text asks the Union to continue granting subsidies to the Hungarian people, but somehow eluding the Orbán government.

The end of the open letter may even indicate that the opposition is preparing for some joint signature-gathering action, as it is written that “We call on all our compatriots to join our common position, who are ready to declare with us that the Orbán government is not destroying European cooperation on their behalf.” If so, we ask several participants as soon as we know more, we will write.

And those curious about the full text of the open letter can read below:

Invitation to the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission and the Presidency-in-Office of the Council

We, the forces of the Hungarian democratic opposition, given the seriousness of the situation caused by the destructive policy of the Hungarian government, consider it necessary to declare to all nations, citizens and leaders of the European Union that Viktor Orbán and his government are not equal to Hungary. By obstructing European and Hungarian crisis management, the Orbán government acts against the legitimate interests and expectations of European and Hungarian citizens.

We Hungarians did not put an end to the one-party system and we did not join the community of values ​​of the European states, worthy of the legacy of King Saint Stephen and the great of our nation, to capture Europe and Hungary by depriving Europe and Hungary of a proud European country instead of a proud European country. and European citizens of their rights and benefits. As chairmen of the Hungarian opposition parties, we are united by democracy, the rule of law and respect for European values. Our common values ​​oblige us to work together to enforce the rule of law in our country as soon as possible …

In the dire situation caused by the epidemic and the economic crisis, Hungarian citizens and their companies also need the support of the European Union. This aid does not belong to the Orbán government, which puts its own power interests before the economic interests of the country, but to the Hungarian people. Therefore, we call on the institutions of the European Union and the governments of the member states to find a solution so that the selfishness of the Orbán government does not become an obstacle to solving the European and Hungarian economic crisis and the citizens and Hungarian companies who fear their safety and existence have access to Hungary. intended for support.

We call on all our compatriots to join our common position, who are ready to declare with us that the Orbán government is not destroying European cooperation on its behalf, it wants to deprive European and Hungarian citizens of their European support, in against your will and interests.

Péter Jakab (Jobbik), Ferenc Gyurcsány (DK), Erzsébet Schmuck, Máté Kanász-Nagy (LMP), András Fekete-Győr (Momentum), Ágnes Kunhalmi, Bertalan Tóth (MSZP), Tímealog Szabó, Gergely Kargeácson

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