Imre Makovecz’s grand plan can be realized


More and more people are adopting the plan for the construction of Imre Makovecz’s work, the Budapest Cathedral: this is what the Hír TV’s Credo crew was filming.

It is a plan for a special cathedral, which is one of the last works of Imre Makovecz and whose realization more and more people are reaching an agreement. Imre Makovecz was in the XX. One of the most important Hungarian architects of the 19th century. His name is inseparable from Hungarian organic architecture, and he was also the greatest Hungarian apostle and school creator of this approach.

We know the style traits he used, despite the fact that neither communism nor the left-wing power that ruled the capital after the regime change considered Imre Makovecz’s civic, Christian and national values. Its churches, houses of culture and sports facilities tower on the map of rural Hungary.

Perhaps few people know about Imre Makovecz that to this day, in his hometown, where he lived, created and died, there is not a single public building that he dreamed of in Budapest, for which he died in the fall of 2011.

For the rest of his life, he worked on a plan, a church. He dreamed of a church in Budapest, a bold plan that few architects had yet created.

The church, which also shows the greatness of God in the eyes, is considered by many to be more intrusive and expressive than Gaudí’s Sagrada Familia.

This plan is the jewel in the crown, this is the culmination of the work, it shows the essence of the entire work.

Ervin Nagy, the former national chief architect, has been working on the plans developed by Imre Makovecz for the fifth year. The 200 angels imagined for the cathedral will be named after the sculptor Miklós Melocco.

Church builders testify that a cathedral is not a mere building, but a gathering place for souls who build a temple for God and also build a spiritual community. Civilians who embrace the cathedral’s cause also view his initiative as an ever-expanding community of church builders.
