Imre László: Healthcare is little by little like football


According to the former hospital director who became mayor, it is dilettantism whether the elements of encrypted healthcare reform should be implemented right at the time of the epidemic.

Imre László reacted to the news from Népszava that the government will begin to transform the health structure in January, for which it is seeking 40 “top leaders” Sándor Pintér Minister of the Interior. Like the former mayor of Újbuda, the former mayor of Újbuda believed that the reform was necessary, but the moment is very bad, the care system is already in serious trouble due to the coronavirus epidemic, which is only aggravated by the uncertainty generated by the radical reorganization.

I think I have to say: this equates to dilettantism

– He said, then added, that it is not excluded that the urgent healthcare transformations related to the degree

elements of a health reform developed by Boston Consulting Group and encrypted by the government for ten years.

According to him, it is a very serious mistake that the government further increases existential insecurity in health care, after the salary increase has been poorly packaged, as the top 40 leaders should also say yes to no information on the amendments. to the Law of Legal Relations of Health Services. , what will happen to specialized clinics, general practitioners.

Health is slowly becoming like football. Everyone deals with him and he is convinced that he knows where to kick 11.

the Viktor Orban On the epidemiological tightening announced by said, it has now completely escaped the control of the epidemic, a major concern is that there is no longer a leaking nature of the evidence, the expected peak is already unpredictable.

If Hungary does not change the current methods of controlling the epidemic, between December and January up to 500-550 people per day can die in a single day.

Our special image illustration: / János Marjai
