Immediate: Big Blanka resigned from Momentum


Left Momentum Great blankathe Instant reported. According to the portal, the reason is that the opposition activist in Bács-Kiskun county could not be the party’s candidate in the 2022 parliamentary elections. Momentum will hold its delegates meeting on Sunday, where it will be decided.

Nagy Blanka joined the party last summer, then justified her decision with this:

And why did I choose them? Because I saw in them an opportunity that could guide the current situation in the direction of change. I found it understanding that this is a party that is now beginning to build its past, present and future. It’s important to me to work with a team that knows exactly what kind of lifestyle, world, today’s 21st century man needs.

In late 2018, at the age of 18, Nagy Blanka became known as a high school student in Bács-Kiskun County. The girl, who has been studying at the University of Szeged ever since, spoke at a rally last December:

In closing, I just send a message to the fucking mustachioed man and all the Fidesz reps, be it from Kecskemét, half church, Szeged or anywhere, to back off and get fucked in the face.

featured image: MTI / Márton Mónus
