“I’m saying he’s a ruthless villain, but here he should be.”


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“Whenever they hear somewhere that we are Isaacians, it’s, ‘Well, you guys are dumb.’ And we are not stupid, we are just trying to survive, ”said a middle-aged man leaning out of his car on Csokonai Street in Izák, about why Fidesz Mondok József was re-elected mayor on Sunday in a city of 5,500, despite the fact that it is still being processed.

In 2017, 444 wrote that one of Mondok’s companies had built a hunting lodge with the support of the EU, and then the mayor moved into the building. Partly in connection with this case, he is now accused of budget fraud and forgery of notarial deeds, and has so far suffered so much retaliation that he has had to repay the 35 million grant he received for the hunting lodge.

I say József, the mayor of Izsák.Photo: Tamás Botos

Isaac, the independent Tibor Kutas, returns to the Fidesz reality after less than a year as mayor: Kutas, who beat Mondok in a close race in fall 2019 with 39 votes, resigned in early summer after unknown individuals broke in on the windshield of your car.

“In this situation, Mondok would have simply bought a new car and even planted one with the municipality,” said the locals, who uniformly described Kuta, who was otherwise a high school math teacher, as a decent person. but they all added:

unfortunately there was no figure for a politician.

József Mondok campaigned mainly on Facebook, for example, his joint photo in early September with Katalin Novák (then only) Secretary of State for Family and Youth Affairs, Sándor Lezsák, Vice President of Parliament and László Rideg, President of the Bács-Kiskun County Assembly.Photo: Facebook of Mondok József

In addition to the broken windshield, Kutas’ resignation may have been caused by a misunderstanding about the corona virus. In March, the mayor received a letter from the Bács-Kiskun County Government Office stating that a 69-year-old woman from Izák was infected with a coronavirus, and the mayor also posted about it on Facebook, without naming to the person in question. At the settlement, however, it soon became known who the patient might be, and the woman was released from Kecskemét County Hospital and received a red official quarantine notice on his doorstep.

The next day, it turned out that the woman’s crown test was negative and Kutas, despite having informed the city’s residents on Facebook, had already found out. The woman died in May, her son claimed in the Bács-Kiskun county newspaper, Petőfi Népe, that after the mayoralty, the Isaacians excommunicated his mother, his girlfriends turned their backs on him, they became the “crowned family” , even his grandchildren in “crowns”. disturbed on the street. “Although it was not coronavirus, he recovered from his pneumonia, he died. The pain took him away, ”the woman’s son said in an article published by the Petőfi People on June 15. The windshield of Kutas’s car was damaged at dawn on June 16.

Photo: Zsófia Szász

“It’s about relationships in this country. Mondok hunts ministers, has a tour of Viktor Orbán, so he can take care of things. “

– Guests of one of Isaac’s pubs answered why it is good that the mayor is finally governor of Fidesz between 1998 and 2019.

A guest, who is also an employee of one of Mondok’s companies, said: József Mondok is a very good boss, you can talk to him, he doesn’t use his nose, although after the regime change he built serious businesses in the city and its surroundings. Also, Mondok didn’t do anything illegal with the hunting lodge, he only moved into the hunting lodge because they had been robbed many times before and the decorations had been removed from the walls, and Mondok is not the only company in the area that builds one. pension with EU money. then you really don’t see a paying guest. “

“A lot of people do this, only he was mayor, he had malice.”

Election poster of the challenger of the saying, István Varga.Photo: Zsófia Szász

“Isaac is a city on the right, you need to know that too. Here, before the regime change, the communists did so much damage that it could not be repaired below 100, ”said the man, who said that by re-electing Mondok, order was actually only restored.

It is not known with certainty if Mondok himself spread the rumor, but in Isaac it was widespread that the politician’s criminal case was over and that he was acquitted of all charges. Even when we were there, most of the Isaacs who sympathized with Mondok came up with this, although the process is still pending in the Kecskemét court.

There were also many people in the city who said that Mondok had changed a lot in the last 30 years and not for their benefit. “I knew him as a child, I remember that he carried bags on his back, he worked,” said a woman in the city center. “But what has become of him, how he himself acts now, is not to his liking. Honestly, I was surprised by this result, I read the comments on the internet, I write in various places that it is a shame that the Isaacians re-elected this man, and I think that somewhere it really is a shame ”.

Photo: Zsófia Szász

Pub diners, on the other hand, were not surprised by those who dislike Joseph Mondok anyway, thinking that since the world was the world, unscrupulous but agile figures have flourished in politics like Joseph Mondok. “There was an oil mafia, an old wine mafia, now there is a public purchasing mafia. It’s about money here, ”said one of them, who said that it was a fact that the city had developed a lot during the 21 years of József Mondok’s mayoral work.

As the driver on Csokonai Street commented:

“I’m saying I’m a fully anointed villain. But it seems like I should be here.”

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

