I was surprised by the place where the seal had fled from the swordfish


There is no marine creature that the top predators of the marine world, the winged dolphins, cannot easily handle. Nomadic orcs that migrate in small groups have a great fondness for hunting small and large whales and one of their favorite prey, seals. Sword-winged dolphins of three sizes were chasing a wandering baby seal that would have had no chance against the large predators if speedboat luck hadn’t been in a rush to help.

They began to circle menacingly around the boat.

Kirk Fraeser and his companions embarked on an ambush for the whales, but even they did not expect to have an exciting adventure on an unusual occasion. Stopping the whale watching speedboat, they were just spying on whales,

when two characteristic sickle-shaped dorsal fins were observed not far from the ship.

Two winged dolphins headed straight for their boat, and they soon noticed that the dolphin pair was also accompanied by a third orc.

After noticing that the seal had fled to the ship, the orcs began to circle the speedboat.Source: Kirk Fraser / India Times

It quickly became clear what was attracting the huge predators to the ship: a frightened young seal fleeing toward the ship (Phoca vitulina). The seal, not caring about the people watching the deck, managed to climb to the stern of the ship at the last minute. Then came tense and exciting moments.

The winged dolphins that were left in the jump did not surrender their prey,

but he began to circle the ship floating on the surface.

The seal, terrified by the winged dolphins, jumped into the stern of the speedboat.Source: Kirk Fraeser

As the circles grew narrower and narrower, the orcs discovered that the seal was hiding next to the ship’s engine. Then, changing tack on the ship’s side, they landed just below the engine. One of the sword-winged dolphins, as seen in the embedded video, shot out from below, almost vertically, several times towards the surface.

Seeing these maneuvers, it was also questioned whether the sword-winged dolphins would attack the ship to take down the terrified seal lurking alongside the ship’s engine.

Fortunately, however, the orcs stopped attacking the ship,

but they persistently stayed near the boat for long minutes, waiting for the seal to leave.

The orcs finally bored the wait and turned awaySource: Kirk Fraeser

Finally, they grew bored with inaction and, grimacing back, headed out to sea. After the hurricanes disappeared, the relieved baby seal also jumped into the water “You had a lucky day! – Shouted goodbye to the passengers rejoicing for the rescue of the young animal after the seal.

He has no opponents in the whole world.

The swordfishOrcinus orca) is the most successful hunter in the world, pretty much anything, even the other much larger toothed whale, the great amber whale (Physeter macrocephalus) can also fall.

The sword-winged dolphin is one of the most intelligent species in the entire ocean, not just the ocean.

The sword-winged dolphin is the absolute top predator in the world ocean.Source: Cultura Creative / George Karbus Photography

Thanks to their highly developed brain, they have a good memory and are capable of solving complex problems. The latter is manifested, among other things, in their booty-grabbing tactics.

A sword winged dolphin attacking a gray whale. Orcs tear out the whale’s tongue, which is a special treat for themSource: YouTube

For example, prey larger or larger than gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus), in cooperation with each other, dividing the roles, with well thought out tactics, they can leave practically anything.

Hunter swordfish (Orcinus orca)Source: Cultura Creative / George Karbus Photography

But they also recognize certain correlations, such as the fact that if they set off simultaneously and in circles at high speed towards an ice floe, a wave caused by a rapid movement can send a crouching seal down on the ice floe.

For the orcs, the great white shark is also not an opponentSource: Tamás Elter

Another top marine predator, the great white shark, which also poses a potential threat to orcs due to its sharp teeth and enormous biting power (Carcharodon carcharias) is pronounced

that shark busts are bitten first when running from two directions at the same time,

then the predator thus paralyzed and immobilized is destroyed by attacking from its most defenseless point, the abdomen.

It can handle everything, but it doesn’t hurt a person

However, winged dolphins are not typically characterized by killing warm-blooded prey, large marine mammals, or other large marine animals.

One of the unsolved mysteries of science is the significant difference in loot acquisition.

among certain groups of orcs. In terms of their way of life, winged dolphins can be classified into two main groups, the nomads and the resident orcs.

Male swordfish. Swordfish are divided into two groups according to their way of life, the resident resident and the nomadic nomadic orcs.Source: Tamás Elter

Nomads form small groups, typically two to six individuals, and actively migrate, crossing very great distances between the North and South Poles. Communication between the orcs that make up the nomadic groups is less intense than that of the members of the resident groups.

Only nomadic orcs are characterized by having “bloodthirsty” prey,

that is, the hunting of warm-blooded marine mammals, various cetaceans and floaters (lions, calves, bears or sea elephants).

Nomadic orcs migrate incredibly long distancesSource: AFP / Marcel Mochet

The so-called resident winged dolphins live in populous groups of 15-30 or even 40 individuals, and communication between group members is extremely lively, almost continuous.

Unlike nomadic orcs, resident swordfish migrate less and spend most of their time in specific marine areas.

Swordfish are super predators that live in more or less cohesive groupsSource: AFP / Valery Hache

Their prey consists almost exclusively of smaller swarms, mainly herring and cod.

It is an extremely interesting phenomenon that these absolute top predators, capable of killing anything with ease, never attack humans, whether from nomadic or resident groups.
