“I was moaning inside and I was really sorry for how much shit it was.”


There were those who got angry early in the morning because getting to school was also annoying. “A XIII. I go to a district high school where the freshman year started at 8:45 today. My departure in the morning was not easy in IV. district, as three of my buses were lost in a row. But my partner didn’t take the train either, he comes from Dunakeszi ”, wrote a student.

Anyone who made it to school on time faced a parent not even being able to escort their first grade son. Not just in the classroom, not even in the school building.

It may be a joy, but the first day is full of bitterness for us parents. The eight-year-old boy was pushed from the street to school with a mask and a heavy school bag on his back, a gym bag in one hand and a half bag in hand.

Said one of the parents.

In most Pest schools, with the exception of the guard duty from 7.30am, children can only enter the building at 7.30am, where it is possible to try to open more entrances to avoid tumultuous scenes. The pupils of the Gazdagrét-Törökugrató Primary School – this is also a general practice – were checked with a thermometer on the door and this will be done at the beginning of each class day. One parent suggested that about 700 students attend rich school, if they continue to be checked one by one, there will be difficult times for students in the rain, snow, and frost.

Since students arrive at school at approximately the same time in the morning, this is one of the nerve centers. One of our readers wrote: “We have a younger boy, where classes can go to school at different times at the predetermined gate. However, the entire upper class gathered in a single door, that is, about 400 children, can enter at the same time. There is also car traffic at the meeting place, but there is no place to keep your distance. Even waiting in the schoolyard would be luckier than that. “

The little son of one of our readers has now become the first in a primary school in Kispest. Until yesterday, they were prepared so that one of the parents could take him to the classroom with a mask. However, on Monday night another circular arrived stating that the first ones had to be delivered to the patio door and that the parents could not enter the patio or the building.

At half past seven, the first had to make their way through a semicircular crowd, the teachers could not receive them properly because they could not get out of the crowd to the street to escort the most excited. My son ended up so excited that he threw up on him, there on the street, so we took him home and now we can complain as proof that maybe I can calm him down and send him to school tomorrow.

The father wrote.

Photo: Koszticsák Szilárd / MTI

A nursery teacher at an elementary school in Pest reported that the school had received a total of 100 masks from the maintainer that anyone could claim, but on Tuesday it was still a long way from the masks, as teachers and students brought them from home. Parents were not allowed on the school grounds, students and teachers were checked with a thermometer at the entrance in the morning, but the device did not show a value higher than 36 degrees Celsius on anyone.

There is a disinfection and cleaning protocol (this was obtained from the competent tank area), but there is a lack of adequate personnel to carry it out, so the tasks assigned could not be carried out. The teacher fears that from tomorrow they will also have to clean and disinfect.

Not only is there disinfectant in a Újbuda school, but there is no soap or hand towels in the bathroom, wrote an indignant parent who also complains that his son’s old closet cannot be used now due to the epidemic, for what can not put your shoes, coat or textbooks.

A mother from Nyíregyháza complained that although her two sons were in fifth grade (they attend the same school but in separate classes) compared to that, one of them received five fewer textbooks than her sister.

The son of one of our readers started the second in a small town near Budapest. He writes that they have been waiting for school for a long time, but now they are full of doubts because they have been introduced to rules that he believes cannot be enforced. “In case of staying in the patio, during breaks and during the session, the mask is mandatory! But they will not be able to maintain the gym body very well, because after that they have to disinfect the whole room during the break, 10 minutes is not enough for that. You can’t leave any of your belongings inside the school, even if it’s just the textbook and brochures of at least eight pounds, and that’s what others will find out. The child must be taken home immediately for the slightest sneeze, the school does not wait for any diagnosis or medical examination, it is not mandatory to go to school for 10 days, but he has to go with the material (then the parent will teach him at home if you have time). I don’t know how long sneezing is a symptom of Covid. “

A mother from Székesfehérvár wrote to us that she could accompany her first baby with a mask with the Mázsány school teacher at least in the morning:

I regretted that I was able to gift him a mask as the ultimate wisdom, so I had to embark on this wonderful and exciting journey. I was groaning inside and I felt very sorry for him for how much nonsense it was, but when I looked into his eyes I saw the sweet harmony of happiness and excitement on his face. For him, it was so perfect, and that’s the most important thing. This is your day.

It’s very different that way, wrote a high school colleague in our newspaper. “There are many rules, but very few are followed. In the hallway, for example, a mask would be mandatory, but if you’re not wearing it, there’s nothing wrong with that either. Disinfection would be mandatory every two hours, but today it was once every six hours. Quarantine rooms have been set up in the dormitory so that visiting students can wait until the end of the day if they have any symptoms and cannot go home. This time it took much longer to sign the declarations because we had to wash our hands before and after signing ”.

A high school student also reported that the inauguration of the year was held in his classroom, but no one wore a mask. “But when we went out into the hall for the textbooks, they told us to pick them up.

My class teacher says that all teachers will tell you if you should wear the mask in their class.

I have seen the other classes adhere to the use of masks. They also said that if someone comes home from abroad or is infected with a coronavirus in their area, they should of course stay home. They are not registered as absent, but as participants in online education so that they can continue their studies at home ”.

Photo: Márton Mohos /24.hu

At a secondary school in Szekszárd, there was no mask, no disinfectant, and no fever measurement on the day of starting school, wrote a parent, who said they couldn’t trust the other regulations would be followed. Also in an institution in Szekszárd, but already in a primary school, the opening of the school year took place on Monday, in which the principal asked her parents for patience and cooperation. According to our reader, it worked the first day too. “I saw that most of the teachers were covered with masks, especially the older ones. In general, my opinion is that the rules are in place, not difficult to follow, and apparently the management is paying attention to caution. Personally, I am satisfied with everything ”.

If I become coronavirus, I have it today – wrote the 24.huto a reader who was outraged primarily by the behavior of his fellow parents. “My daughter is a second year student, I accompanied her. I really had to break the path between my parents to get my daughter at least to the school gate. Where are the school guards? Or someone who would coordinate or mentor a lot of thoughtless parents? I understand that first parents want to be there, but what the hell do both parents need? Why accompany a superior child? And if they have said goodbye to the child, why are they standing there talking to each other for another 20-25 minutes? Don’t have Facebook and phone? It was as if they hadn’t seen each other in years.

After all, if we still have the freedom to move in 3-4 weeks, it will be the 8th wonder of the world!

Finally, several of our readers have expressed concern that their child may contract a virus at school and that they no longer have any more freedom to stay home with them.

Featured Image: Reader Photo
