I have my own Ikarus bus, keep it in the barn


Adam Laibl As a child he always looked for buses, after school he got on the terminal of bus 5, where he spoke with the drivers. By the age of 25, not only had he realized his childhood dream and worked as a bus driver in Győr for two hours a day, but he also acquired his own Ikarus 280 articulated bus. His story was told by Little Plain.

“I was lucky because when I started getting licenses for different vehicles, they also took my age from trucks and buses. So, at 23 years old, I was ready to drive a bus, ”says Ádám, who in another job takes the goods home with a bakery.

Ádám has always wanted a bus of his own, he got his Icarus, held in his barn in Tápszentmiklós, for 600 thousand florins through a used car portal. “Until 2002, it was owned by Ikarus. With this bus, the employees of the Mór seat factory were transported once, ”says the young man, who used his friends to play with the 280 destined for the Czech market.

Although he does not consume much, he only goes with him to Ikarus meetings, and also very well for him when he moved from Bőny to Tápszentmiklós with his partner, since they did not have to discuss much where to pack their things. Adam also plans to get the “little salt” of the articulated bus soon, also an Ikarus 260.
