Hurry now, the EU tender for solar panels will be suspended in 3 days!


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A short notice was posted on the official EU tender page on November 2, warning that the loan program for the area outside the central region titled “Loan to increase energy efficiency and renewable energy use of buildings Residential “(GINOP-8.4.1 / A-17) In the case of loan applications received, the financing requirements exceeded the available limit. Therefore, the Communication draws attention to the fact that

The acceptance of loan applications will be suspended as of the third day following the publication of this notice, and a grant application may be submitted until midnight on November 5, 2020.

The version of the same residential energy efficiency tender for Budapest and Pest County (VEKOP-5.2.1-17) was sold out last October, and it is somewhat surprising that the budget for the rest of the country, previously reduced to HUF 76 billion in several steps, has already been depleted. We know In the last month applications were received for a good volume of 10 billion guilders and therefore the budget coverage jumped above 100%. In total, there may be some 20,000 projects supported in rural regions, as some 17,000 applications were approved before the fall storm (in addition to the $ 12 billion budget for the central region, of which about 3,000 loan applications were previously approved ).

At the end of September, a ministerial signal was issued that a support scheme could be launched next year that promises 30-40% support, pointing in the direction of postponing solar investment decisions. Then, two weeks later, the ministry issued a notice warning that the compensation account could still be kept in the solar tender scheme, which is still available, but later only small retail power plants could be connected to the grid according to the gross invoice. The announcements pointed to a major change, which is why we wrote several articles on the subject (here and here and here), and

Presumably, the latest ministerial signal gave new impetus to this GINPOP build, which may have eventually led to the now exhausted framework.

The other day, it turned out that the new application that will start next year might not include 30-40% support, but could target such a reduction in power consumption (i.e. the intensity of support could be greater than 30- 40%), must be calculated on a gross basis for the population.

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