Hunters in Csongrád are concerned about gambling scared away by migrants


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Empathy for the fate of the refugees has not been the strong point of Kesma newspapers so far, but even compared to the usual dehumanizing migration, hard-hitting material appeared on on Friday, in which the newspaper reported on the impossible conditions that affected the Szőreg – Kübekháza Triple Frontier Hunting Company.

“By hiding in forests, ditches and borders, the vagabonds scare off the hunt,” the hunters reported to our newspaper. Animals can also be in danger to their health, as feeders do not run out of food properly.

They try to pay attention to the management of hunting in the hunting company, but can not do anything:

“Those who cross the border illegally are hiding from authorities in places where wildlife rests, feeds and breeds. These include ditches and forests.”

It is also the sin of migrants to disturb the rich nocturnal birdlife next to the old brick factory building in Szőreg. According to one of the hunters

“Birds that don’t have the ability to fly at night can also get into trouble.”

When they find migrants, the people from the hunting company notify the authority themselves. They also try to keep the forest clean: as they tell the newspaper, they collect from the trenches tens of thousands of forintos thrown away men’s clothing and sleeping bags, often barely used.

“The hunting company is now in a bad position due to the coronavirus anyway, as there are no foreign hunters who can shoot wildly in Hungary for a fee, so they have to count on serious defection.” because there will be nothing to shoot, nor will local hunters be able to kill any animals. “

– the report concludes, if not that, but there would be a win-win solution for the impoverished hunting company and hunters who hunt for the game. The problem caused by the presence of migrants would flow to Kübekháza from all over the world, the problem would soon disappear, and after a while, perhaps even the savages would return.

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