Hungary’s vaccination certification system has been completed, we show it will work


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According to the article, the State Health Center in cooperation with the Electronic Health Services Area (EESZT)

developed a mobile application system with which Hungarian citizens, with the help of their smartphones, can demonstrate their Covid protection on the basis of information stored at the EESC.

Bálint Szabó, deputy director general of Sectorial and Institutional Informatics of the General Directorate of Hospitals of the Nation, stressed that there is a growing need in the world for citizens to be able to accredit their protection against the coronavirus so that they can move freely and use the services in such an environment. , where many people turn around, that is, where there is a greater risk of possible infection. Such services include a hairdresser, a theater, any event or even a flight, he listed.

The deputy general manager said that the application consists of two mobile applications, one is the Covid passport itself and the other is the control application, which accredits the Covid protection of a certain citizen based on the results of the coronavirus tests carried out in the last 14 days and the vaccines received. He stressed that the application contains the data that is already included in the EESC system, but the program does not display detailed patient data.

Bálint Szabó reacted to the skeptical voices that appeared in parallel to the idea of ​​the vaccine passport: “with the fact that the demand to return to the pre-virus world appeared not only in Hungary, but also abroad, everyone has to count “. He said this condition should be “treated in a reassuring manner” until so-called flock immunity in relation to coronavirus infection develops.

The Hungarian Nation article wrote:

  • the application identifies the citizen in an appropriate way from the point of view of data protection (for example, with the data in the binding registry, the taj number, but if necessary, the security of the data can be further enhanced with the services of the Central Identification Agent).
  • Once identified, the app should be based on information about the recently detected infection, the results of coronavirus tests performed, and the vaccines received. issue a certificate of protection against Covid.
  • So the results are easy to read and safe (with authentic signature and timestamp) They are also displayed in a QR code so that the person requesting verification can verify the authenticity of the information.
  • The Covid passport can be used both domestically and abroadto provide service providers (e.g. hairdressers, airport check-in staff, cinema ticket control staff) a QR code for simple feedback on protecting a Covid passport holder against coronavirus, please read the article .

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