Hungary has authorized new vaccines against coronavirus


The Republic of South Africa will buy a coronavirus vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca in Cambridge at a price at least double what European countries pay, the African country’s health ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

They told us a price of $ 5.25 (€ 4.32)

announced the wallet. They added that this price was established on the basis that the Republic of South Africa is listed as one of the top middle-income countries by the World Bank.

For Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine the member states of the european union have agreed a price of 2.50 euros, and even a Belgian minister posted on Twitter in mid-December last year gets just € 1.78 per serving.

In the coming weeks 1.5 million doses of vaccine produced in India are expected in the Republic of South Africa, where, incidentally, part of the clinical trials of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine are also underway. The use of this vaccine is more practical in African countries because it does not require storage at such extremely low temperatures as the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.

Two doses of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine are also needed for protection. Studies to date suggest that the efficacy of this vaccine could be around 70 percent.

Vaccines procured through the African Union and the COVAX International Vaccine Distribution Initiative they are expected to be available in the country only in March.

Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, recently announced that a total of 20 million vaccines are expected to arrive in the first half of 2021 from several different pharmaceutical manufacturers, but did not provide details. In recent weeks, however, criticism of the African country’s leadership has increased for delaying the presentation of the vaccination plan.

The international community is concerned that, in addition to Great Britain, a mutation has developed in the coronavirus in South Africa that appears to be spreading faster than before. So far, more than 1.3 million people have been identified in the country, and the number of deaths associated with complications from the coronavirus exceeds 38,000. (MTI)
