The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages.
I’ll buy it
Based on the Embraer company announcement, the Portfolio writes that Hungary will purchase two KC-390 multi-purpose ramp-jet military transport aircraft from Brazil.
In addition to the A319 and Falcon 7X aircraft purchased in 2018, which can be used primarily for passenger transport, the KC-390s, which are also suitable for transporting large loads to the battlefield, will arrive in Hungary in 2023-24. In recent years we have acquired a versatile fleet for the Armed Forces, with which we can provide the widest range of tasks within the national framework, in a sovereign manner ”, said Gáspár Maróth, Government Commissioner for Defense Development.
According to the newspaper, the Hungarian army will be able to deliver large loads, military equipment, vehicles and personnel (80 equipped soldiers or 60 paratroopers) with the plane even in operational condition. Due to its special design, the aircraft is also suitable for taking off and landing in poor quality ground conditions outside a concrete airport (such as grassy airports) and for conducting air operations with parachutes. Its equipment also allows emergency evacuation, as well as a large number of patient and injured transport tasks.
The article cites trade magazine estimates that the production of a KC-390 could be around $ 50 million, or HUF 14.5 billion, but it is not known whether Hungary paid that much, as it depends on what they negotiated for the purchase. responsible bodies with the Brazilian side. The material details of the deal are not yet public.