Hungary and Poland should go to court rather than veto, said the president of the European Commission.


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According to Ursula von der Leyen, the political veto signaled by Hungary and Poland in the past could jeopardize the seven-year budget of the European Union and the entry into force of a fund to repair the damage caused by the coronavirus epidemic. In his speech, the President of the Commission said, according to the MTI, that an agreement on a system of conditions based on the rule of law is necessary, appropriate and proportionate.

He recalled that the July European Council agreed on a long-term budget for the Union and a fund to repair the damage caused by the coronavirus epidemic, as well as the conditions that accompany it. However, in the context of improving EP conditionality, two Member States expressed doubts, he added.

In his words, it is “difficult to imagine” that someone in Europe is questioned about the agreement.

Those who still have doubts have a clear path: they can go to the Court of Justice of the European Union and have the new rules reviewed.

He stressed that the place for clarification of legal disagreements is the EU court. Millions of Europeans in need cannot be left without an answer or a solution. The European Union must also act for those who fear for their work, including Hungary and Poland, he said. It would be better if these doubts could be resolved as soon as possible, he said.

Ursula von der Leyen is not the first to say that if a Member State does not agree with the rule of law mechanism, it will challenge it before the Court of Justice of the European Communities, because suggested the same in an interview the day after the EU summer summit, when he had already predicted that this mechanism would indeed have a “tooth”, that is, an effective brake:

The European Union awaits a green signal from the European Parliament in the context of a long-term budget and a fund to repair the damage caused by the coronavirus epidemic, the president of the European Commission added to the debate today.

Manfred Weber, The leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) group in the European Parliament said during the debate that the European Parliament had established an appropriate mechanism to correct errors in the inappropriate recommendations of the July summit. According to him, the veto of Hungary and Poland is irresponsible. The European Parliament is not letting go of the mechanism, he stressed.

Tamás Deutsch In a speech by a Fidesz MEP, the PE group Fidesz-KDNP agreed with the position of the main politicians of the European People’s Party in a clear and firm rejection of the tool of political extortion for the rule of law.

As Donald Tusk, President of the EPP, said, budgetary resources should not be subject to purely political criteria. Jean-Claude Juncker, even as president of the European Commission, put it this way: the threat is not adequate to comply with the rule of law. Manfred Weber previously explained that there is a danger that the rule of law procedure will be used for political conflicts. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said about the situation in the absence of an agreement between Hungary and Poland: although the EP has formed a majority, if there is no unanimity in the European Council, among the Heads of State or Government, a agreement. On the one hand, there is the unanimity of the Member States. The EP Fidesz-KDNP group continues to support the People’s Party’s rejection of the tool of political extortion, emphasized Tamás Deutsch.

Cseh katalin, said Momentum Movement MEP in his speech, “the rule of law mechanism does not require unanimity”. The EP refuses to back down on the mechanism. “Any intention that points in the opposite direction is a historical mistake and a political weakness,” he said. He said it did not work and that the attempt to reconcile the autocrats was a big mistake. Instead, the European right and conservatives should defend European people and values, he added.

Márton GyöngyösiJobbik MEP said the EU needed tools to enforce legislation in member states. Without this, Europe can never be strong. The Orbán government is disintegrating Europe from within, the division that has been caused so far can only be eliminated with strong unity, he added.

István Ujhelyi“with gangsters”. “According to Fidesz, the subject of the current veto is the struggle between Central and Eastern Europe and the West. I think common sense, the justice of Europe and the struggle of the leaders of the Pitianer mafia,” Ujhelyi said.

Cover Image Source: Geert Vanden Wijngaert / Bloomberg via Getty Images
