Hungarian unique vaccination certificate is coming


On Thursday, Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, presented the government’s decisions and announced:

The government has decided to introduce a document certifying protection.

He divided those who could receive such a document into three categories:

  1. Who has already received the coronavirus second vaccination Furthermore, in this case the document will not include the validity period, but will record the date of administration of the vaccine, since the duration of the protection provided by each vaccine is not yet precise. In your case, the vaccination certificate is free.
  2. You can also obtain a document proving the protection of a person who: recovered from coronavirus counts as. In this case, the start of validity of the card can be the date of hospital discharge, or the date of the first negative PCR test after the positive PCR test, or the 10th day after the first positive PCR test . In your case, too, the document is issued free of charge.
  3. There are many who do there were no symptoms of the virus, if they can prove in a lab that your body makes antibodies, then they can receive the certificate for a fee.

The government has not yet decided on the benefits of the certificate, hopefully this will facilitate the opening, the ministry head said. It should be remembered that previously the Minister has already referred to There will be some kind of document that proves the protection, everyone will receive a plastic card. (This certificate will be available from mid-February). At the same time, the head of the ministry said that in the case of document holders, for example, keeping the curfew after 8 p.m. does not make sense.

Subsequently, government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirályi revealed that the government is open to a pan-European approach, but thanks to the additional procurement of vaccines, Hungary will be far ahead “than the European Union in general or some member states.”


He stressed that the rights to be associated with the document would depend in part on the outcome of next week’s online consultation on the reboot issue.

As we have indicated in our previous opinion: the expected return to the country, which we see in several Western European countries, is that the time limit for restrictions will be extended for now, but selective reductions may begin in the meantime (for example, the relaxation of the eighth night curfew for those who have already undergone both vaccines) or even sectoral reductions (for example, in the case of restaurants, hotels, as Easter approaches). Much will depend on the evolution of the epidemic in the coming weeks and the results of the online consultation, as well as the evolution of public sentiment.

Top image: A healthcare worker shows his vaccination card certifying the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine at Szent György University Hospital in Fejér County on January 23, 2021. Source: MTI / Tamás Vasvári
