Hungarian television has suffered from the coronavirus for half a year


Hungarian television suffers from the coronavirus for half a year

According to Sylvia Barta, the infection caused by the coronavirus is only the tip of the iceberg, “what comes after who has what complications, symptoms, how long the condition is unknown.”

The TV2 weather reporter received the negative test for Covid-19 four and a half months ago. As a healer, he was already planning his future, and at that moment he thought that after two months of long illness, only a happy recovery awaited him. “Unfortunately, though in vain, weeks go by, I’m still not the old man! Luckily I was able to go back to television and after 4 months I am already training, but the old desire for action and vitality is a thing of the past for now. As a working woman, housewife, wife, mother, I only knew the pleasurable and justified fatigue, but this chronic fatigue that has been going on since the illness is very different! ”Barta Sylvia wrote on her community page.

She is concerned about skin changes brought on by a strong immune response, muscle and joint pain completely independent of sports, memory and vision problems, and many other symptoms that she has had since the coronavirus infection, Origo’s entry cites . “And not only with me, but also with my husband! And this is very strange because he went through the infection asymptomatically. Her PCR test was positive, but she defeated the virus without a cough or other symptoms! And yet the infection can have residual consequences and symptoms even in asymptomatic carriers! “, Wrote.

He added, an infection caused by the coronavirus, the disease itself is just the tip of the iceberg. “What comes after who has what complications, symptoms, how long a condition lasts … does not know. Even those who are not infected with the virus will not be able to calm down completely, or will only have symptoms milder than the infection, because they can also be affected by post-infection weakness, chronic fatigue and many other very unpleasant residual symptoms and possibly complications. ” , said.

“This virus attacks not only the respiratory system, but also the digestive system, the heart and circulation, the brain and the central nervous system, the sensory system, the locomotor system. This virus does not disappear without a trace. You will find the weakest point of all. Take control of the epidemic seriously! Stay away from this as long as you can! ”Says the publication.

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