Hungarian stock market blew up, OTP ripped apart


Essentially, we saw a moderate change in the OTP chart throughout the day, but for the last hour or so, the price of bank stocks has risen sharply, outpacing the local peak in June. By the way, OTP had already outperformed Tuesday, the RSI is currently at 82.5 points, so as no corporate news came today, the rise may be partly due to technical reasons, and after a rally in the last few days, there may even be a short behind today’s rise.

OTP drags the Hungarian stock market with it, but it is also worth noting Graphisoft Park, which yesterday published its quarterly figures, in relation to which Wood issued a recent analysis, according to the analysis house, there is a potential for appreciation of 60 percent in the diary.

While the Hungarian stock market was left behind by a day, it has now outpaced its European counterparts.

By the way, regional banks are doing very well today, OTP only fits in the low-middle field here.
