Hungarian stars of which millions have been deceived


Csaba Vastag was beaten up by his former good friends and acquaintances: he had already lent millions of guilders or entered companies in good faith, which later became nothing. He is not the only one in the Hungarian world of stars who has publicly admitted that he has fooled millions of people. Vera Tóth was beaten very badly by a previous love, and Andi Tóth was disappointed many times in a row, she also had serious financial problems last year due to poorly chosen managers.

Csaba Vastag

The singer told me for the first time in days that at one point he had made larger loans to old friends, acquaintances, some of whom had not given up their debts until today. “It’s true that I used to deal with this money issue in a very brave way and I blindly trusted everyone.
When someone borrowed or came up with a business plan that was waiting for me to put in a certain amount, I immediately nodded. I also lent to my childhood friends and former classmates, of course they haven’t given it since. They keep me by the millions, “he told me.

Photo: Attila Polyák – Origo

He also talked about going after his money for a while, calling on the phone, but at that time he was still instructed not to get impatient.

Andi Tóth

The singer sincerely admitted last year that she was completely impoverished in addition to her money-hungry managers, who said they also took the last skin off her. Due to his financial problems, he moved in with his then partner, Ádám Szabó, who helped him during this period. Andi Tóth has already passed the many management changes, because, as he says, those who hugged him used to be very deceived. and they took a large part of his income from him.

Source: Andi Tóth / Instagram

“One tries, also with the third, fourth, fifth management, but when he realizes that most of him has lowered eighty percent of his salary and is not there to stay either with his job or with his money to pay the rent has to intervene, “he said.

Tóth Vera

The singer now lives in a happy relationship, but a former partner cheated on her very ugly: she cheated on her and asked for more and more loans, which she never gave up in the end.

Source: Instagram

“Zsolt started by buying cigarettes and other little things. Later he began to borrow. In the end, it was about millions of articles. Step by step, it turned out that he had accumulated problems with drugs. His personality completely changed in that moment. He never hurt me physically, more only words and especially my femininity. The last straw was when he left a dating site window open on his home computer, “he said.

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