Hungarian singer Viktor Orbán also congratulated the world’s greatest musician award


The singer Mónika Lakatos received this year the greatest prize in world music, the WOMEX Artist Award, for which Viktor Orbán also congratulated.

Mónika Lakatos, the singer of Romengo and Gypsy Voices, was an astonishing success. This year, he received the world’s largest music award, the WOMEX (Worldwide Music Expo) Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement, Ripost writes.

After the Muzsikás Ensemble, he is the second Hungarian to receive this recognition, as well as the first gypsy performer to receive the award.

Not only as a gypsy, the award for the work is an honor for me, but also as a Hungarian, because we have a double identity. If we act abroad, we represent not only the gypsies, but also Hungary.

Said the singer.

Viktor Orbán also congratulated him on the extraordinary award.

I was pleased and proud to know that, as the first Hungarian soloist and the first gypsy performer this year, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award from one of the most important international music events in the world, the Worldwide Music Expo. Let me offer you my sincere congratulations on the prestigious recognition and good luck and good health for your subsequent artwork! wrote the Prime Minister in his letter.
