Hungarian researchers are testing drugs that can reduce viral infections.


Professor Ferenc Jakab, head of the coronavirus research group previously established by the Minister, will continue his research in the different areas of Chrome under the leadership of the PCSI virolgus. We have completed a full genetic analysis of thirty virus samples from the early stages of Hungarian law, we have started to measure the amount of antibodies produced in the blood of accumulated patients and we are fully testing the active ingredients required for antiviral drugs.

The situation in our country is completely different from that of Italy.

There has been a better way to prevent viral genetics in the study. The samples clearly show that in many parts of Hungary our local spread started in March and that the Russians belong to the protected European countries, i.e. groups.

The investigation constantly analyzes the current diffusion of the law.Source: Nextstrain

Hungary has completely different propagation patterns, like Italy – said Professor Ferenc Jakab, head of the Coronavrus Research Group, which was previously established by the Minister in an interview with Univ Televzi. – In Hungary, not one, but several smaller focal points have been developed, and the spread of the virus can be seen since mid-March, and due to the measures taken and the disciplined behavior of the population, the incidents did not jump.

He concluded that this analysis could help understand the processes underlying national law, the spread of the virus, and provide a basis for future estimates and measures, but it is also essential for future antiviral agents and vaccine development.

There is no more coronary heart disease in our country.

Neither the samples analyzed for PCSI viruses nor the rest of the world are expected to infect more than one coronary virus in Hungary. Gbor Kemenesi, the research coordinator, pointed out that the value of genetic differences is completely natural, and does not mean that they are different patterns, so it is worth dealing with the appropriate concepts.

The virus has been isolated in several ways.Source: iStock

In practice, this is important because, unlike recent reports, it is still not clear from the analysis of the samples whether circulating viruses are currently circulating or are typical in our country, which goes hand in hand with the development efforts of vaccines. Kemenesi Gbor emphasized.

This is supported by an international estimate of the mutation value of the virus known so far, according to Virolgus, so it is still inconceivable that it is necessary to adapt to changes in the virus with the same intensity as the influenza virus.

Antibody responses may also aid in vaccine development.

PCS virologists evaluate the amount and level of antibody response to viral infection in healthy people.

More than 300 potential antiviral agents are being tested on PC aloneForrs: Getty Images / iStockphoto / Hazemmkamal

We found that in people who had a mild or disease-free course, the first response resulted in a slightly lower antibody response, and we were unable to measure as much antibody as in a patient who needed a more severe intensive care unit, for example.– Professor Ferenc Jakab pointed out.

Professor Ferenc Jakab, Head of the Virology Research Group at the Jnos Research Center in Szentgothai, Pcsi University (PTE), and the country’s Coronavir Research Group.Source: Pcsi University / Szabolcs Csortos

He also indicated that in addition to genetic testing, the research team is also working hard on testing for active substances; and in this work they work together with many hungarian research institutes dealing with tm. The head of the national well action group Coronavir stressed thatThe results so far are very encouraging and they have found a number of agents that have the potential to reduce viral infection in cells.Clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine, favipiravir, and remdesivir are ongoing worldwide, all with positive and negative reviews.

SARS-2 coronavirus vaccines

After dealing with a world of light caused by a few new viruses, we can still get the “we don’t know” question for many questions. It certainly isn’t this mg, but researchers can determine trends in the association between a good coronary virus and immunity.

Source: AFP / SAM PANTHAKY / Sam Panthaky

Knowledge of the coronary arteries is best based on the “ntha” coronary arteries and two other serious infectious coronary arteries (SARS and MERS).– explained the PCSI virolgus. – From this, we believe that one of the patients with the disease showed 2-3 kidney immunities, which in the case of SARS was also related to the severity of the disease.

According to Ferenc Jakab, the most obvious thing about SARS-2 right now is that you can expect immunity for a certain period of time, but you can expect protection for at least months, which can be 1 to 2 days.

There is little chance of reinfection.

The professor also noted that there is a lot of discussion on the topic of wearing masks, and a homemade mask can be very helpful in reducing the law.
