Hungarian doctors can go see how the Russian vaccine is made


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The Russian government has offered Hungarian doctors and specialists the opportunity to study the production of the vaccine developed in Russia on the ground, as agreed by Péter Szijjártó and Russian Health Minister Mihail Murasko in a meeting on Friday. Hungarian experts could go to Russia next week. According to Péter Szijjártó, this will speed up the decision on the use of the vaccine in Hungary.

Szijjártó told a joint press conference of the two ministers that vaccines are being developed in many places “both east and west” and it is not yet known exactly which vaccine will be available in large quantities. Therefore, “it would be irresponsible for the Hungarian people to give up one of the options.” He also said that

They are not allowed to enter any pharmaceutical business lobby, even if “the politicians are hired at home, in Brussels or elsewhere.” They are attentive to every opportunity because it is in the interest of the Hungarian people, the minister said, adding that only the vaccine that the Hungarian authorities consider safe and effective, which they are authorized to use, can be used in Hungary.

As we wrote above, a representative of the European Commission has already expressed concern that the Hungarian government may vaccinate its citizens with a vaccine that has not been controlled by the EMA, the EU’s drug licensing body. The government has so far not answered the question of whether to authorize the Russian vaccine through the EMA or bypassing the EU body, but it can be inferred from Szijjártó’s statement that the government prefers the latter path.

The other main topic of discussion was the power supply. According to Szijjártó, the government is trying to buy as many energy sources as possible from as many sources as possible, but Russia will continue to play an important role in Hungary’s energy supply in the future.

The long-term gas purchase contract will expire next year, so negotiations will begin for the next period.The Minister also spoke about the completion of the 15-kilometer gas pipeline connecting the Hungarian-Serbian border with the Hungarian gas pipeline system for next October, so that the gas can arrive by another route. (MTI)

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