Hungarian Cup: a fradista awaits Ferencváros at the Ráckeve


Ráckeve coach Tibor Szanyó played in the Green and White line-up in the 1980s and 1990s, so now he has a great gift for the 90 minutes against the FTC in the Hungarian Soccer Cup.

Roland Varga may be one of the surprises of the people of Ferencváros in Ráckeve (Photo: Attila Török)


What birthday!

Tibor Szanyó

Tibor Szanyó On Wednesday he turned 50 and received an unusual gift: Pest County II. The team, currently in ninth place in the South group of the class, will receive Ferencváros on Saturday from 1:00 p.m.

“Dream to draw Said the coach with a laugh. “Now tell me, when did television broadcast a game for a county two team?” Of course, we know exactly that this is not for us, but for the famous opponent, but we are preparing for a vacation. We look forward to Ferencváros ”.

Perhaps not even the most blind fradistas know it, the Ráckeve specialist has embarked on a career with the Verdiblancos.

“As a high school player, I was a student and soccer player at St. Stephen He remembered the second half of the eighties Tibor Szanyó. “Then the school team and I came home from an international tournament in the United States and Ferencváros approached us: as a senior, I should cross over to Fradi. So it was, my coach was Péter Vépi, Attila Hajdu in goal, András Telek in defense, we were in the front line with László Wukovics, also István Kiss, also on the attack line. I also had a role in the reserves, and in the summer of 1990, before Tibor Nyilasi took over the leadership of the team, I was still playing the adult infield preparation match in Beregszász, and I also started to play in that match. ” .

József Dzurják twice, András Keresztúri succeeded once in that particular meeting in Beregszász, Fradi won 3–1 – thirty years ago. The talented winger later played soccer among the reserves and later as a soldier. He always lived in Ráckeve and started working for the youth a few years ago, in recent years he has become the adult supervisor. Let’s see what you’re waiting for in Saturday’s cup game against the FTC to get into the top 64 teams.

“One thing is for sure: the game will be a decisive experience for our players Tibor Szanyó said.– On Wednesday, we watched the Ferencváros Champions League playoffs with enthusiasm, but certainly not to draw the weekend’s opponent, no! We celebrate their breakthrough, a great feat for what Fradi accomplished. To us, no matter what lineup the FTC is playing in, if only the small bank players play, they are still much stronger, that goes without saying. We are happy that we managed to seduce the experienced Krisztián Kenesei to Ráckeve, in case we fought a free kick, and then … Apart from him, Zsolt Huszárik, who played in many championships in NB II and NB III, has already played at soccer at a higher level than us, and we hope the county will succeed in two. The entire settlement is preparing to receive the FTC, regardless of the outcome, it will be a great day in Ráckeve’s life! “


Ráckeve VAFC (Pest II.) – Ferencváros TC (NB I) (TV: M4 Sport) – Live in UFO!
14.00: Szarvaskend SE (Vas I.) – Aqvital FC Csákvár (NB II)
14.00: Sajóbábonyi VSE (NB III, Eastern Group) –Eger SE (NB III, Eastern Group)
14.30: Bonyhád VLC (Tolna I.) – Monor SE (NB III, Central Group)
15.00: No. 43 Constructors SK (Budapest I.) – MTK Budapest (NB I)
15.00: Mohácsi TE 1888 (Baranya I.) – Budafoki MTE (NB I)
15.00: Mezőkeresztes VSE (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén I.) – Zalaegerszeg TE (NB I)
15.00: Balassagyarmat VSE (NB III, Eastern Group) –Diósgyőr VTK (NB I) (TV: M4 Sport)
15.00: Makó FC (Csongrád-Csanád I.) – Pécs MFC (NB II)
15.00: Sárvár FC (Vas I.) – Rákóczi de Kaposvár (NB II)
15.00: Diósjenő SE (Nógrád I.) – Dorogi FC (NB II)
15.00: Balatonfüredi FC (NB III, Western Group) –Debrecen EAC (NB II)
15.00: Szeghalmi FC (Békés I.) – Szolnok MÁV FC (NB II)
15.00: Jászberényi FC (NB III, Eastern Group) –Budaörs (NB II)
15.00: Mosonmagyaróvár (NB III, Western Group) –BFC Siófok (NB II)
15.00: Kecskéd KSK (Komárom-Esztergom I.) – Kisvárda (NB I)
15.00: Sárbogárd (Fejér I.) – Kazincbarcika SC (NB II)
15.00: BKV Forward (NB III, Western Group) –Szentlőrinc SE (NB II)
15.00: Vác FC (NB III, Central Group) –Békéscsaba 1912 Forward (NB II)
15.00: ASR gas plant (Budapest I.) – Gesztelyi FC (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén I.)
15.00: Csornai SE (Győr-Moson-Sopron I.) – Dabas-Gyón FC (NB III, Central Group)
15.00: Dunavarsány (Pest I.) – Körösladány MSK (NB III, Central Group)
15.00: Zsámbék SK (Komárom-Esztergom I.) – THSE-Freeport (NB III, Western Group)
15.00: Bodajk (Fejér I.) – Érdi VSE (NB III, western group)
15.00: Király SE (Vas I.) – Bicskei TC (NB III, western group)
15.00: Bátaszék SE (Tolna I.) – Fehérgyarmat SC (Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg I.)
15.00: Kabai SE meteorite (Hajdú-Bihar I.) – AC Nagybajom (Somogy I.)
15.00: Kiskunfélegyháza HTK (Bács-Kiskun I.) – Majosi SE (NB III, Central Group)
15.00: Abda SC (Győr-Moson-Sopron I.) – Hódmezővásárhelyi FC (NB III, Central Group)
15.00: Mezőtúr AFC (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok I.) – Ménfőcsanak (NB III, western group)
15.00: Mátraterenye SE (Nógrád I.) – Csomád (Pest I.)
15.00: Füzesgyarmat SK (NB III, eastern group) –Gárdony (NB III, western group)
15.00: Tihany FC (Veszprém I.) – Kecskemét TE (NB III, Central Group)
15.00: Mórahalom VSE (Csongrád-Csanád I.) – Gyöngyösi AK (NB III, East Group)
15.00: BTE Felsőzsolca (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén I.) – Gyula TFC (Békés I.)
15.00: PTE PEAC (Baranya I.) – Salgótarján BTC (NB III, Eastern Group)
15.00: Ajka Crystal SE (Veszprém I.) – Lipót SE (NB III, Western Group)
15.00: Kozármisleny (NB III, Central Group) –Tatabánya SC (NB III, Western Group)
18.00: Tiszakécske LC (NB III, Eastern Group) –Debrecen VSC (NB II)
20.00: Papal Perutz FC (NB III, Western Group) –ETO FC Győr (NB II) (TV: M4 Sport) – Live in UFO!
Iváncsa KSE (NB III, Central Group) –Újpest FC (NB I) – postponed
Tiszafüred VSE (NB III, Eastern Group) –Putnok FC (NB III, Eastern Group)
– postponed
Lőrinci VSC (Heves I.) – Nyíregyháza Spartacus (NB II) postponed
VLS Veszprém (NB III, Western Group) – Academia Szeged-Csanád Grosics (NB II) – postponed
